This is the sphinx-based source code for my blog.
To build this using gh-actions, I recommend starting a runner using docker. I prefer running the runner locally instead of using a cloud runner.
First, set the following environment variables:
Check the justfile
for easier ways to do this. Currently, the actions uses
the cloud runner, but this is left documented for legacy purposes.
docker run -d --name blog-runner --rm --pull=always -e RUNNER_WORK_DIR=/tmp/runner/ \
-v /tmp/runner:/tmp/runner--rm tcardonne/github-runner:ubuntu-20.04
Set the values of those envvars using direnv
, it makes things easy.
Use incrontab
to configure the autobuild. Here's what I use right now:
$HOME/code/checkouts/personal/blog/source IN_MODIFY,IN_ATTRIB,IN_CREATE,IN_DELETE,IN_MOVE /usr/bin/bash $HOME/code/checkouts/personal/blog/ $@/$#
- Health
- Personal
- Reading
- Show and Tell
- Tech
- Updates
- Writing
I'm going to use these tags:
- Advent of Code
- Algorithms
- Ansible
- Arduino
- BangPypers
- Bipolar Disorder
- Career Advice
- Conda
- Conferences
- Covid-19
- Data Structures
- Developer Experience
- Developer Relations
- Development Environment
- Django
- Docker
- Documentation
- Dotfiles
- Electronics
- Empathy
- Fiction
- Flask
- Focus
- Furo
- Goals
- Golang
- GopherCon
- Hearing Loss
- Hobbies
- Hugo
- K3s
- Kubernetes
- Leadership
- Learning
- Leetcode
- Libraries
- Mechanical Keyboards
- Meetups
- Mental Health
- Merkle Science
- Meta
- Microk8s
- Minikube
- Mythology
- Neovim
- Nostalgia
- Notes
- Oso
- Philosophy
- Podcasts
- Podman
- Programming
- PyCon
- Pyenv
- Python
- Rabbit Hole
- RabbitMQ
- Raspberry Pi
- Rust
- Screencast
- Security
- Single-Sided Deafness
- Sphinx
- Statistics
- Teaching
- Technical Interviews
- Thoughts
- Travel
- Typing
- Ubuntu
- Vagrant
- Vim
- Virtualenv
- Visa
- Web Development
- Zen