Purpose of the repo is to demonstrate, how to deploy web server running on AWS infrastructre using Terraform script.
1 Install Terraform
2 Install AWS CLI
3 Configure AWS CLI
create key pair via AWS interface Included in script.
1 Generate AWS keys, extra help Keys are stored locally only and used for autorization for SSH connection to running EC2 instance.
2 Create VPC
3 Create an Internet Gateway
4 Create a Custom Route Table
5 Create a Subnet
6 Associate Subnet with a Route Table
7 Create Security Group for communication via SSH, HTTP, HTTPS. By default, web server runs on port 80/http. Upgrade to 443/https has not been implemented via Terraform script.
8 Create a Network Interface with an IP in set subnet
9 Attach an elastic IP to the set network interface
10 Appache2 installed and enabled using bash script file Default index.html page deployed is stored in this repo.