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CLI tool for Streamdal!

It's like a tail -f for your data!

NOTE: This app looks best if you use it in a modern terminal that has TrueColor support such as iTerm2, Alacrity, Konsole, PowerShell and many, many more.



You can try out the live demo at


Install via homebrew:

brew install streamdal/tap/cli


Install manually:

  1. Download latest release here
  2. chmod +x streamdal-darwin-arm64
  3. mv streamdal-darwin-arm64 /usr/local/bin/streamdal-cli
  4. Verify that it works: streamdal-cli --version


For the brave, install via curl/bash:

curl -sSL | sh

This will download the latest release of the CLI and place it in /usr/local/bin/streamdal-cli.


Launch the CLI tool by running:

$ streamdal-cli --server streamdal-server-address --auth 1234

Environment Variables

You can expose several environment variables to the CLI to save on typing:

Variable Description Default Required
STREAMDAL_CLI_AUTH Auth token used for communicating with your Streamdal server None true
STREAMDAL_CLI_SERVER Server address for your Streamdal server localhost:8082 true
STREAMDAL_CLI_CONNECT_TIMEOUT Enable debug log output 30s false
STREAMDAL_CLI_DISABLE_TLS Disable TLS when talking to Streamdal server false false
STREAMDAL_CLI_DEBUG Enable debug output (only useful if file logging is enabled) false false
STREAMDAL_CLI_ENABLE_FILE_LOGGING Enable logging to a file false false
STREAMDAL_CLI_LOG_FILE Filename for the log (only used if file logging is enabled) filename false
STREAMDAL_CLI_MAX_OUTPUT_LINES Disable TLS when talking to Streamdal server 5_000 false

You can expose these variables by using export and adding them to your .rc file. Alternatively, you can set them in a .env file in whichever directory you launch the CLI from.


The process of releasing is semi-automated. You will have to push a new version tag which will kick off a release Github action and publish a new release on the releases page.

You will also need to perform a manual update to the homebrew formula. For that, edit cli.rb, update url and sha256 for each release and get the change merged. Verify that new version is available by running brew upgrade streamdal/tap/cli.


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