This is an implementation of a 100% software USB host stack for a LiteX SoC, and a GUI demo based on Dear ImGui library both running on the same CPU. It currently supports the Digilent Arty A7 board implementing a VexRiscv soft-core CPU running at 166/200MHz, and a mouse and keyboard (low-speed mode) working simultaneously.
- Referenced Arty board
- a VGA PMOD (connectors B-C) or DVI adapter PMOD (connector C)
- a dual USB host PMOD on connector D (bottom row, inner to outer): D-, D+ for 1st port and D+, D- for 2nd (note inversion), configurable in software
NOTE: 15K pulldowns and external +5V supply
- LiteX and associated tools (compilers, synthesis tools, etc.) Use my fork for graphical Verilator simulation
- Risc-V soft float emulation library
- Other libraries used are already put into the Libs folder
It's assumed you will use a folder with this and other repos, referenced as $REPOS_ROOT (so this project gets in $REPOS_ROOT/litex_imgui_usb_demo)
To build the RVfplib:
git clone
cd Rvfplib
Tweak the makefile to replace compiler and architecture/ABI:
CC := riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc
CCFLAGS := -march=rv32im -mabi=ilp32
OBJDUMP := riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump
and run make
It's assumed that LiteX is downloaded and compilers correctly set
To generate the bitstream, tweak the .py file and run one of the following commands:
(with DVI=False, 640x480@60Hz)
./ --timer-uptime --uart-baudrate=1000000 --with-pmod-gpio --integrated-sram-size 32768 --sys-clk-freq=200e6 --cpu-type=vexriscv --cpu-variant=full --build
NOTE: VGA output needs this patch
(with DVI=True, 800x600@50Hz)
./ --timer-uptime --uart-baudrate=1000000 --with-pmod-gpio --integrated-sram-size 32768 --sys-clk-freq=166666666 --cpu-type=vexriscv --cpu-variant=full --build
Loading the bitstream:
openFPGALoader -b arty build/digilent_arty/gateware/digilent_arty.bit
After this, a screen showing the random data of the framebuffer memory should appear
cd $REPOS_ROOT/litex_imgui_usb_demo/src
make all
litex_term --speed 1000000 --kernel usb_main.elf.bin /dev/ttyUSB1
NOTE: update the USB device to match your OS. The LiteX generated bitstream may need to be reloaded
Software that integrates the demo, related repos (with detailed commit history), and where sources are expected (assumes . = $REPOS_ROOT/litex_imgui_usb_demo/)
NOTE: some of these project sources were modified to suit this requirements
ESP32 USB host: → ./Libs/usbhost
TinyUSB: → ./Libs/tinyusb
LearnFPGA's LiteFB:→ ./Libs/litefb
ImGUI (v1.87 WIP): → ./Libs/imgui
(includes and minimal tweaks from learn-fpga project)
Printf library: -> ./src
LiteX C DK: → ./Libs/liblitesdk from LiteX boards: → ../