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Sublime LSP Plugin Documentation


LSP Settings

Global plugin settings and settings defined at project level are merged together.

  • complete_all_chars true request completions for all characters, not just trigger characters
  • only_show_lsp_completions false disable sublime word completion and snippets from autocomplete lists
  • completion_hint_type "auto" override automatic completion hints with "detail", "kind" or "none"
  • prefer_label_over_filter_text false always use the "label" key instead of the "filterText" key in CompletionItems
  • show_references_in_quick_panel false show symbol references in Sublime's quick panel instead of the bottom panel
  • quick_panel_monospace_font false use monospace font for the quick panel
  • show_status_messages true show messages in the status bar for a few seconds
  • show_view_status true show permanent language server status in the status bar
  • auto_show_diagnostics_panel true open the diagnostics panel automatically if there are diagnostics
  • show_diagnostics_phantoms false show diagnostics as phantoms while the file has no changes
  • show_diagnostics_count_in_view_status false show errors and warnings count in the status bar
  • show_diagnostics_in_view_status true when on a diagnostic with the cursor, show the text in the status bar
  • diagnostics_highlight_style "underline" highlight style of code diagnostics, "underline" or "box"
  • highlight_active_signature_parameter: highlight the active parameter of the currently active signature
  • document_highlight_style: document highlight style: "underline", "stippled", "squiggly" or ""
  • document_highlight_scopes: customize your sublime text scopes for document highlighting
  • diagnostics_gutter_marker "dot" gutter marker for code diagnostics: "dot", "circle", "bookmark", "cross" or ""
  • show_code_actions_bulb false show a bulb in the gutter when code actions are available
  • log_debug false show debug logging in the sublime console
  • log_server true show server/logMessage notifications from language servers in the console
  • log_stderr false show language server stderr output in the console
  • log_payloads false show full JSON-RPC responses in the console

Language Specific Setup

Install and verify Sublime Text can find the language server executable through the PATH, especially when using virtual environments with your interpreter.

Run "LSP: Enable Language Server" from Sublime's Command Palette to allow LSP to start a server when a document with a certain syntax is opened/activated.

LSP registers a server's supported trigger characters with Sublime Text. If completion on . or ->, is not working, you may need to add the listed auto_complete_triggers to your User or Syntax-specific settings.

The default LSP.sublime-settings contains some default LSP client configuration that may not work for you. See Client Config for explanations for the available settings.


You need to have tomv564/lsp-tsserver installed globally for the completions to work.

npm install -g lsp-tsserver

Client configuration:

    "js": {
        "command": ["lsp-tsserver"],
        "enabled": true,
        "languageId": "javascript",
        "scopes": ["source.js"],
        "syntaxes": ["Packages/JavaScript/JavaScript.sublime-syntax"]
    "jsts": {
        "command": ["lsp-tsserver"],
        "enabled": true,
        "languageId": "typescript",
        "scopes": ["source.ts", "source.tsx"],
        "syntaxes": ["Packages/TypeScript-TmLanguage/TypeScript.tmLanguage", "Packages/TypeScript-TmLanguage/TypeScriptReact.tmLanguage"],

Flow (Javascript)

See: github

Client configuration:

        "command": ["flow-language-server", "--stdio"],
        "scopes": ["source.js"],
        "syntaxes": ["Packages/Babel/JavaScript (Babel).sublime-syntax", "Packages/JavaScript/JavaScript.sublime-syntax"],
        "languageId": "javascript"

Vue (Javascript)

See: npm package

Client configuration:

  "command": [
  "enabled": true,
  "languageId": "vue",
  "scopes": [
  "syntaxes": [
    // For ST3 builds < 3153
    "Packages/Vue Syntax Highlight/vue.tmLanguage"
    // For ST3 builds >= 3153
    // "Packages/Vue Syntax Highlight/Vue Component.sublime-syntax"

Be sure to install "Vue Syntax Highlight" from Package Control.


pip install python-language-server

See: github:palantir/python-language-server

Alternatively, Microsoft's python language server (using .NET Core runtime)

Instructions here


UPDATE: Some new options for PHP language servers are discussed in this issue

PHP Language server

  1. modify ~/.composer/composer.json to set
"minimum-stability": "dev",
"prefer-stable": true,
  1. run composer global require felixfbecker/language-server
  2. run composer run-script --working-dir=~/.composer/vendor/felixfbecker/language-server parse-stubs
  3. modify LSP.sublime-settings - User
  "clients": {
    "phpls": {
      "command": ["php", "/PATH-TO-HOME-DIR/.composer/vendor/felixfbecker/language-server/bin/php-language-server.php"],
      "scopes": ["source.php"],
      "syntaxes": ["Packages/PHP/PHP.sublime-syntax"],
      "languageId": "php"
  1. (optional) add triggers to Preferences.sublime-settings - User
    "characters": "$>:\\",
    "selector": "source.php"

See: github:felixfbecker/php-language-server


See bmewburn/intelephense-docs

      // npm i -g intelephense
      "enabled": true,
      "command": [
      "scopes": ["source.php", "embedding.php"],
      "syntaxes": ["Packages/PHP/PHP.sublime-syntax"],
      "languageId": "php",
      "initializationOptions": {
          "storagePath": "PATH_TO_TEMP_FOLDER/intelephense-ls",

Ruby / Ruby on Rails

Requires the solargraph gem:

gem install solargraph

See for up-to-date installation instructions.

Client configuration:

"ruby": {
	"enabled": true,
	"languageId": "ruby",
		"Packages/Rails/Ruby on Rails.sublime-syntax",
		"Packages/Rails/HTML (Rails).sublime-syntax"
	"tcp_port": 7658


Requires Rust Nightly.

See github:rust-lang-nursery/rls for up-to-date installation instructions.


  • Metals: Most complete LSP server for Scala, see instructions here for installation.
  • SBT: Version 1.x supports limited and unmaintained language server functionalities, setup is described here.
  • Dotty: The future Scala compiler contains LSP support. It is developed against VS Code, so ignore instructions related to VS Code. Get the project compiling with dotty first (see instructions). At this point LSP should complain in the logs java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: /Users/tomv/Projects/tomv564/dottytest/finagle/doc/src/sphinx/code/quickstart/.dotty-ide.json Then run sbt configureIDE to create the .dotty-ide.json file Then the LSP plugin should launch as configured in LSP.sublime-settings using coursier.

C/C++ (Clangd)

To use clangd on Debian/Ubuntu, add the apt repositories described here. After that, install with e.g. apt install clang-tools-9. The clangd executable will have a version number suffix. For instance, clangd-9. You will thus have to adjust your "clients" dictionary in your user preferences.

To use clangd on Mac, use Homebrew: brew install llvm. The clangd executable will be present in /usr/local/Cellar/llvm/version/bin

To use clangd on Windows, install LLVM with the LLVM installer, and then add C:\Program Files\LLVM\bin to your %PATH%.

For any project of non-trivial size, you probably have a build system in place to compile your source files. The compilation command passed to your compiler might include things like:

  • Include directories,
  • Define directives,
  • Compiler-specific flags.

Like any language server, clangd works on a per-file (or per-buffer) basis. But unlike most other language servers, it must also be aware of the exact compile flags that you pass to your compiler. For this reason, people have come up with the idea of a compilation database. At this time, this is just a simple JSON file that describes for each translation unit (i.e. a .cpp, .c, .m or .mm file) the exact compilation flags that you pass to your compiler.

It's pretty much standardized that this file should be called compile_commands.json. clangd searches for this file up in parent directories from the currently active document. If you don't have such a file present, most likely clangd will spit out nonsense errors and diagnostics about your code.

As it turns out, CMake can generate this file for you if you pass it the cache variable -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON when invoking CMake. It will be present in your build directory, and you can copy that file to the root of your project. Make sure to ignore this file in your version control system.

If you are using a make-based build system, you could use compiledb to generate a compile_commands.json.

Since header files are (usually) not passed to a compiler, they don't have compile commands. So even with a compilation database in place, clangd will still spit out nonsense in header files. You can try to remedy this by enhancing your compilation database with your header files using this project called compdb.

To generate headers with compdb, read this closed issue.

You can also read about attempts to address this on the CMake issue tracker, along with the problem of treating header files as translation units.


You will need to install sublime-reason and the dependencies listed in the repo, such as ocaml-language-server. If you only use OCaml, you still need those listed dependencies, but not the sublime-reason plugin itself.


NOTE: This language server is missing completions and diagnostics support. You may be better served by the GoSublime package.

go get

See: github:palantir/sourcegraphgo-langserver

Client configuration:

  "command": ["go-langserver"],
  "enabled": true,
  "scopes": ["source.go"],
  "syntaxes": ["Packages/Go/Go.sublime-syntax"],
  "languageId": "go"


Using the VS Code CSS language server:

npm install -g vscode-css-languageserver-bin

Then add to your LSP settings (replace PATH_TO_NODE_MODULES):

    "command": ["node", "PATH_TO_NODE_MODULES/vscode-css-languageserver-bin/cssServerMain.js", "--stdio"],
    "scopes": ["source.css"],
    "syntaxes": ["Packages/CSS/CSS.sublime-syntax"],
    "languageId": "css"


npm install -g polymer-editor-service

Note: requires an up to date version of NodeJS. v6 is the minimum supported version as of 2017.


  • typeahead completions for elements, attributes, and css custom properties
  • typeahead completions for elements, attributes, and css custom properties
  • documentation on hover for elements and attributes
  • jump to definition for elements, attributes, and css custom properties
  • linting, configured through polymer.json at your workspace root.

More info:


pub global activate dart_language_server

See: natebosch/dart_language_server

Client configuration (replace PATH_TO_PUB_BIN):

"dart": {
  "command": [
  "enabled": true,
  "languageId": "dart",
  "scopes": [
  "syntaxes": [


Install from kotlin language server Requires building first.

        "PATH_TO_KotlinLanguageServer/build/install/kotlin-language-server/bin/kotlin-language-server.bat" // adjust this path!
    "enabled": true,
    "languageId": "kotlin",

Additionally, install the Kotlin sublime package for syntax highlighting.


Install the bash language server

npm i -g bash-language-server


        "bash-language-server", // add .cmd on windows
    "enabled": true,
    "languageId": "bash",


Requires IntelliJ to be running.

  "tcp_port": 8080 // default port
  "command": [],
  "languageId": "java",
  "scopes": [
  "syntaxes": [


Please create issues / pull requests so we can get support for more languages.

Client Configuration

LSP ships with default client configuration for a few language servers. These configurations need to be enabled before they will start.

Here is an example for the Javascript/Typescript server:

"jsts": {
    "command": ["lsp-tsserver"],
    "scopes": ["source.ts", "source.tsx"],
    "syntaxes": ["Packages/TypeScript-TmLanguage/TypeScript.tmLanguage", "Packages/TypeScript-TmLanguage/TypeScriptReact.tmLanguage"],
    "languageId": "typescript"

Client configurations can be customized as follows by adding an override in the User LSP.sublime-settings

  • command - specify a full paths, add arguments (if not specified then tcp_port must be specified)
  • tcp_port - if not specified then stdin/out are used else sets the tcpport to connect to (if no command is specified then it is assumed that some process is listing on this port)
  • scopes - add language flavours, eg. source.js, source.jsx.
  • syntaxes - syntaxes that enable LSP features on a document, eg. Packages/Babel/JavaScript (Babel).tmLanguage
  • languageId - used both by the language servers and to select a syntax highlighter for sublime popups.
  • enabled - enable a language server globally, or per-project
  • settings - per-project settings (equivalent to VS Code's Workspace Settings)
  • env - dict of environment variables to be injected into the language server's process (eg. PYTHONPATH)
  • initializationOptions - options to send to the server at startup (rarely used)

Per-project overrides

Any fields in a client configuration can be overridden by adding an LSP settings block to your .sublime-project file:

      "path": "."
  "settings": {
    "LSP": {
      "jsts": {
        "enabled": false,
      "eslintls": {
        "settings": {
          "eslint": {
            "autoFixOnSave": true


Plugin commands

  • Restart Servers: kills all language servers belonging to the active window
    • This command only works when in a supported document.
    • It may change in the future to be always available, or only kill the relevant language server.
  • LSP Settings: Opens package settings.

Document actions

  • Show Code Actions: super+.
  • Symbol References: shift+f12
  • Rename Symbol: UNBOUND
    • Recommendation: Override F2 (next bookmark)
  • Go to definition: UNBOUND
    • Recommendation: Override f12 (built-in goto definition),
    • LSP falls back to ST3's built-in goto definition command in case LSP fails.
  • Format Document: UNBOUND
  • Format Selection: UNBOUND
  • Document Symbols: UNBOUND

Workspace actions

  • Show Diagnostics Panel: super+shift+M / ctr+alt+M
  • Workspace Symbol Search: via command Palette LSP: workspace symbol

Overriding keybindings

Sublime's keybindings can be edited from the Preferences: Key Bindings command. The following example overrides f12 to use LSP's go to definition when in javascript/typescript:

	"keys": ["f12"],
	"command": "lsp_symbol_definition",
	"context": [
			"key": "selector",
			"operator": "equal",
			"operand": "source.ts, source.js"

More useful keybindings (OS-X), edit Package Settings -> LSP -> Key Bindings

  { "keys": ["f2"], "command": "lsp_symbol_rename" },
  { "keys": ["f12"], "command": "lsp_symbol_definition" },
  { "keys": ["super+option+r"], "command": "lsp_document_symbols" },
  { "keys": ["super+option+h"], "command": "lsp_hover"}

Mouse map configuration

See below link, but bind to lsp_symbol_definition command


First step should be to set the log_debug setting to true, restart sublime and examine the output in the Sublime console. log_stderr can also be set to true to see the language server's own logging.

LSP doesn't try to start my language server

  • Make sure you have a folder added in your Sublime workspace.
  • Make sure the document you are opening lives under that folder.

Your client configuration requires two settings to match the document your are editing:

  • Scope (eg. source.php): Verify this is correct by running "Show Scope Name" from the developer menu.
  • Syntax (eg. Packages\PHP\PHP.sublime-syntax): Verify by running sublime.active_window().active_view().settings().get("syntax") in the console.

LSP cannot find my language server through PATH on OS-X

This issue can be solved in a few ways:

  • Install the SublimeFixMacPath package
  • Or always launch sublime from the command line (so it inherits your shell's environment)
  • Use launchctl setenv to set PATH for OS-X UI applications.