a Sails application
#TODO (inmediato):
- Conectar con una base de datos
- Crear componentes REALES (borrar Talentree & Delay)
- Pasar el delay-transition a JS (en css es una burla!) ¿GSAP?
- Ver qué tengo que hacer para que funcione BABEL -> ES6 (ES2015). ¿Ya funciona?
- Hacer un Componente = Panel de Datos donde muestre TODA la data de la nave.
#TODO (mediano plazo):
- Comenzar a crear "Grid" de movimiento de coordenadas.
#TODO (largo plazo):
- Convertir Nave en User/Player.
- Organizar la aplicación para soportar un mundo persistente más allá del player.
- Crear una base de datos de todo lo que se puede guardar/encontrar en el universo.
- Otras cosas divertidas.
MMOStrategy | Waiting Game | Text Adventure | Grinding Game
- MMO - Money Macro Managment (Monetization, Collectibles, Safe Currency, Inflation Control, etc.)
- Tree-based ¿timed? development arquitecture & Tree-based talent arquitecture
- MMORTS Balance control (fights can only have "some amount" of resources deployed).
- How to create the AI and Algorithms to automaticly build "sectors" when someone travels there.
- How to manage the creation of a player (¿where does he appears?) If its by invitation, the player could appear in the safe place his host-friend made for him/her.
- How to manage ONLINE / OFFLINE time.
- I need to decide if you have "levels of zoom for UI Backgrounds / Universe Representations" like checking space, galaxies, stars-systems or specific planets.
- I have to decide what kind of resources are going to be there and how to manage them.
- How to manage Guilds. You invite someone and it joins your guild? Can they leave the guild?
- You should be able to install radios on guild members and chat with them (IRC style) in console.
- If someone could NOT expand (like, stay having only one ship or a couple of ships), how would we balance that with an EMPIRE of ships??
- How to manage "Diplomacy".
- How to avoid having Big guys destroying new guys?