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a Sails application

#TODO (inmediato):

  • Conectar con una base de datos
  • Crear componentes REALES (borrar Talentree & Delay)
  • Pasar el delay-transition a JS (en css es una burla!) ¿GSAP?
  • Ver qué tengo que hacer para que funcione BABEL -> ES6 (ES2015). ¿Ya funciona?
  • Hacer un Componente = Panel de Datos donde muestre TODA la data de la nave.

#TODO (mediano plazo):

  • Comenzar a crear "Grid" de movimiento de coordenadas.

#TODO (largo plazo):

  • Convertir Nave en User/Player.
  • Organizar la aplicación para soportar un mundo persistente más allá del player.
  • Crear una base de datos de todo lo que se puede guardar/encontrar en el universo.
  • Otras cosas divertidas.

#Things I need to learn to program Asterion

MMOStrategy | Waiting Game | Text Adventure | Grinding Game

  1. MMO - Money Macro Managment (Monetization, Collectibles, Safe Currency, Inflation Control, etc.)
  2. Tree-based ¿timed? development arquitecture & Tree-based talent arquitecture
  3. MMORTS Balance control (fights can only have "some amount" of resources deployed).
  4. How to create the AI and Algorithms to automaticly build "sectors" when someone travels there.
  5. How to manage the creation of a player (¿where does he appears?) If its by invitation, the player could appear in the safe place his host-friend made for him/her.
  6. How to manage ONLINE / OFFLINE time.
  7. I need to decide if you have "levels of zoom for UI Backgrounds / Universe Representations" like checking space, galaxies, stars-systems or specific planets.
  8. I have to decide what kind of resources are going to be there and how to manage them.
  9. How to manage Guilds. You invite someone and it joins your guild? Can they leave the guild?
  10. You should be able to install radios on guild members and chat with them (IRC style) in console.
  11. If someone could NOT expand (like, stay having only one ship or a couple of ships), how would we balance that with an EMPIRE of ships??
  12. How to manage "Diplomacy".
  13. How to avoid having Big guys destroying new guys?