This repository implements a deep learning algorithms from scratch, using Numpy only. Some characteristics are:
- Simple, yet low-level - written only using pure Python and Numpy; you get a low-level understanding of deep learning architectures easily; it is suitable for learning purposes
- Mix of PyTorch and Keras - can use fit API like Keras to quickly fit a model, or write a train loop from scratch in PyTorch style. The implementation itself is similar to Chainer.
An example of creating a two-layer MLP for MNIST data. Check for the full code.
X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = get_normalized_data()
layers = [
Linear(X_train.shape[1], 50),
Linear(50, 10),
cross_entropy = CrossEntropy()
acc_metric = Accuracy()
mlp = Model(layers)
sgd = SGD(mlp.get_trainable_params(), 0.1), y_train, cross_entropy, sgd, epochs=10, initializer=RandomInitializer())
accuracy = mlp.evaluate(X_test, y_test, acc_metric)
Currently, we have the following layers:
- Linear (Dense)
- ReLU
- SoftmaxWithCrossEntropy
- Embedding
- Conv2D (currently implementing)
- SimpleRNN (currently implementing)
Each of these layers is implemented as a class that has both forward and backward methods, enabling forward and backward propagations. We also implement several optimizers including SGD, Momentum, and Adam. Several initializers are also available.
We plan to add more layers including:
- Batch Normalization
- Dropout
- Attention, Multi-head Attention
- Conv1D
The framework consists of 6 main classes:
- Model
- Layer
- Optimizer
- Loss
- Initializer
Each of these can be extended for customization.
.. to be added