Methods for quantifying reference bias in resequencing
- git clone
- cd reference-bias
- sudo python install
- andi - (phylogeny only) -
- bedtools -
- bwa or bowtie2
- datamash -
- progressiveMauve -
- samtools (v1.2+ recommended) -
python ./bin/ --donor ./data/e-coli-mg1655.fasta --reference ./data/phylogeny/NC_002695.1.fasta --tmpdir ./tmp ./data/SRR892241-ecoli-mg1655_1.fastq.gz --align bwa > results/calculate_bias.mg1655.NC_002695.1.bwa.txt
- donor: fasta file specifying the donor. Genome closely resembling the specified short read archive.
- reference: fasta file specifying the reference. The bias associated with this genome choice will be calculated.
- tmpdir: place to store generated files
- align: choose either bwa or bowtie2
- start: use this to resume a job from a given stage
- job: if resuming a job, specify the job id
- donorbam: specify a precalculated donor bam file
- donorsam: specify a precalculated donor sam file
- The headline number is at the bottom of what is written to stdout, the estimated bias.
Detailed description:
Donor reads total: total reads reported by samtools flagstat
Donor reads mapped: mapped reads reported by samtools flagstat
Donor reads % mapped: mapped / total
Reference reads total: total reads reported by samtools flagstat
Reference reads mapped: mapped reads reported by samtools flagstat
Reference reads % mapped: mapped / total
Remapped reads total: total reads reported in remapped alignment
Remapped reads mapped: mapped reads reported in remapped alignment
Remapped reads % mapped: mapped / total
Mismatched reads total: 2499
Mismatched reads mapped: 2431
Mismatched reads % mapped: 97.3
Notcovered reads total: 27857 (2.9%)
Notcovered reads mapped: 27857 (2.9%)
Notcovered reads % mapped: 100.0
Almost correct reads total: 27
Almost correct reads mapped: 27
Almost correct reads % mapped: 100.0
Mapped to correct location: 938065 (99.7%)
Mapped correctly or within 50bp: 938092 (99.7%)
Mapped incorrectly <50bp: 27 (0.0%)
Mapped incorrectly >50bp: 2431 (0.3%)
Donor not covered: 3105686045 (1246.01%)
Donor not covered with mauve target: 3212456 (0.10%)
Donor covered: -2856435424 (-1146.01%)
Donor gaps: 74450
Donor max gap: 249250621
Donor mean coverage: 2.891958750152
Donor max coverage: 53
Reference not covered: 3056743057 (2284.6%)
Reference covered: -2922945635 (-2184.6%)
Reference gaps: 74833
Reference max gap: 248956422
Remapped not covered: 20706620 (8.3%)
Remapped covered: 228544001 (91.7%)
Remapped gaps: 71284
Remapped max gap: 16865934
Remapped mean coverage: 2.8927606170652
Remapped max coverage: 53
Bases affected by mismatch: 92699
Max mismatch coverage: 13
Off target bases: 987831
Max coverage of off target: 19
Mapped bases: 33723857 (13.5%)
Not mapped bases: 215526764 (86.5%)
Mapped blocks: 5
Covered reads: 940523 (97.1)
Covered partial reads: 941196 (97.1)
Not mapped reads: 28530 (2.9)
Donor not covered by direct alignment: 3105686045 (1246.01%)
Best case loss from reference coverage: 3172196256 / 249250621: 1272.7%
Best case loss from remapping: 215526764 / 249250621: 86.5%
Loss after remap coverage: 20706620 / 249250621: 8.3%
Loss due to remap: -3151489636 / 249250621: -1264.4%
Potential mismatch impact: 92699 / 249250621: 0.0%
Off target: 987831 / 249250621: 0.4%
Donor not covered with mauve target: 3212456 (0.10%)
ESTIMATED BIAS: 6.6 -> 7.0 -> 8.3
python ./bin/ ./data/ ./results/calculate_bias.* > ../results/graph.pdf
- map file: comma separated list of fasta file, name, pathogenicity
- list of generated result files
- A graph showing each measured genome and its estimated bias
andi *.fasta > ./results/ecoli.distances
python ./bin/ ./data/ecoli65.list < ./results/ecoli.distances > ./results/ecoli.distances.fixed
python ./bin/ ./data/ ./results/ecoli.distances.fixed ./results/calculate_bias.* > maketree.R
- run the resulting R code to generate the phylogeny
- gradient.pdf is also generated which represents the colour scale
python ./bin/ ./results/ecoli_matrix.out < ./data/ecoli_matrix.txt
python ./bin/ ./data/ < ./results/ecoli_matrix.out > matrix.pdf
- calculate_bias_matrix takes a set of readsets and genomes and calculates bias for each pairwise combination, then writes this to the first argument
- draw_matrix takes this generated output as stdin and uses the names from the matrix file to generate a graph.
- download data by running
cd data/human
cd -
- generate pipelines by running
cd xpipe-template
cd -
- xpipe is a required dependency, obtain from
- xpipe.commands contains the pipeline for human analysis
- Look at as an example of how to run the human analysis using the slurm job manager.