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  1. Environment:->

$ git clone $ cd PVDNet

$ conda create -y --name PVDNet python=3.8 && conda activate PVDNet

for CUDA10.2

$ sh

for CUDA11.1

$ sh

  1. Datasets

Download and unzip Su et al.'s dataset and Nah et al.'s dataset under [DATASET_ROOT]:

├── [DATASET_ROOT] │ ├── train_DVD │ ├── test_DVD │ ├── train_nah │ ├── test_nah Note:

[DATASET_ROOT] is currently set to ./datasets/video_deblur. It can be specified by modifying config.data_offset in ./configs/

  1. Copy the project code

copies the model files and the config files \ a) copy to model/archs/ \ b) copy to model/archs/ \ c) copy to model/archs/ (our Video modeling framework) \ d) copy to config/ e) project model is PVDNet_DVD_00231.pytorch is more than 25MB so not allowed to be copied.

  1. To run training:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -B -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 --master_port=9000 --is_train --mode PVDNet_DVD --config config_PVDNet --trainer trainer --data DVD -LRS CA -b 2 -th 4 -dl -ss -dist

  1. To test

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --mode PVDNet_DVD --config config_PVDNet --data DVD --ckpt_abs_name /tmp/PVDNet_DVD_00231.pytorch

  1. project model copied in the project_model folder, say, /tmpPVDNet_DVD_00231.pytorch

  2. The model output in the /tmp/logs folder.

Pinned Loading

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