suwarna93/suwarna93 is a ✨ special ✨ repository because its
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Here are some ideas to get you started:
Implemented Jenkins CI/CD pipeline integrating tools such as Maven, SonarQube, JFrog, and Kubernetes.
Executed various stages including building, unit testing,Created Docker images , and deploying on the Kubernetes platform. 3)Designed Kubernetes manifest files to align with the development team's requirements. 4)Executed Terraform scripts according to the requirements of the development team, detailing infrastructure components such as VPC, Subnets, EC2 Instances, and Route53.
Implemented triggers using webhooks and scheduled builds to automatically run Jenkins jobs.
Monitored Kubernetes clusters to quickly identify issues such as application crashes and network problems.
Integrated Prometheus with Grafana to send data using PromQL and display charts, graphs, and POD monitoring data on the dashboard.
Dedicated to creating robust and scalable data solutions for real-world challenges.
Collaborative team player with excellent communication and problem-solving skills.
Adaptable and eager to take on new challenges in the dynamic field of DevOps.
Actively engaged in the data science community and open to collaborations and knowledge-sharing.
Feel free to explore my GitHub repositories for examples of my work and projects. I'm open to connecting and discussing potential opportunities in the field of data science.