go install github.com/svetozar12/dragon-cli@latest
To check if installation was complete
dragon-cli --version
Your CLI Tool Version vx.x.x
To generate project run the following command and follow the steps
dragon-cli --projectName=my-example-app --beFramework=nodejs --feFramework=Nextjs --installDeps=true
- --branch=
<the branch from which you want to get the templates default is master>
- --projectName=
<the name of the project>
- --beFramework=
- --feFramework=
"React(with vite)","Nextjs","Astro","none"
- --installDeps=
- go test -v -coverprofile cover.out ./...
- go tool cover -html cover.out -o cover.html
Used to store template for dragon-cli: https://github.com/svetozar12/dragon-cli-templates