Hey! 👋 I'm @svey online, and Hayden
if you know me 🌎.
I am a full stack web developer, and digital media artist.
My field of work covers everything from large scale interactive public installations, to more humble independent websites. My background is in visual arts and software development- which has provided me with both the vision, and technical know-how, to provide unique digital experiences.
If you want to learn more about the kind of work that I offer, you can take a look around my site, checkout my GitHub, or reach out to me by email at x@svey.xyz ✍️. I am currently available for contract, and I am eager to meet you and help you create your next digital experience!
I'm a JAMStack developer, and this is my stack of choice at the moment-
But I also use these-
I'm always happy to talk, so reach out for any reason!
You can find me here-