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Handle Docker Composer

Docker compose file for deploying your very own Local Handle Service (LHS) Server.


If you discover any typos or errors in this, create an ISSUE with the relevant fix and I will make the changes accordingly. If you have any suggestions or improvements, please do the same.


  • Docker v24 or above.
  • Docker compose v2.17.0 or above.

Building the image

  1. Clone this repository to a folder of your choice and switch to that directory.
git clone /tmp/docker-handle-lhs
cd /tmp/docker-handle-lhs
  1. Switch to the build directory
cd build
  1. Build the image using tags of your preference
docker build --tag "" --tag "" "$(pwd)"
  1. The LHS docker container image is now ready to be used.

First run

  1. The following commands must be run as a normal user, ideally the same one with the PUID and PGID setting. Create the folder to store the LHS configuration as the user
mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/lhs/test
  1. Run the container to initialize the information needed for the operations of an LHS. replacing /home/ubuntu/lhs/test with the actual folder to store LHS data. This folder must match what will be in the docker-compose.yaml
docker run --rm -it -v /home/ubuntu/lhs/test:/home/lhs/data
  1. Make sure to set the public address to a publicly reachable IP address and the bind address to This is important since we're running in a container and the IP address will differ during each run.

Deploying docker image instance

  1. Refer to the sample docker-compose.yaml file from

  2. Replace the image name with the image from the build process (if different, otherwise retain the image name).

  3. Change the PUID and PGID to your host username uid and gid if it's different from 1000 for both.

  4. For volume mount, change the name to the preferred path on the host system (left part only, do NOT change the right part). Create the folder with the correct uid and gid that matches step 3.

  5. Change the port numbers to your preferred port. Change both the ports on the left and right of the : to match. The LHS instance will listen on the configured port in config.dct and the host has to map the port accordingly.

  6. This image will create the necessary configuration files for the LHS if they don't already exist. Remeber to match the ports and IP with the ones configured in step 5.

  7. Start up the container

docker compose up -d
  1. (For new setup) Send the generated from the data folder from host to a Naming Authority to obtain a prefix.

  2. Once the Naming Authority has allocated a prefix, edit the /config.dct file and do the following

    • Replace YOUR_PREFIX with the prefix allocated by the Naming Authority, for instance 11.1234 under "server_admins", "replication_admins", and "auto_homed_prefixes".
    • Change the bind_address to so that the instance can be reachable from the host.
  3. (For future runs) Start the container as step 7.

  4. Edit docker-compose.yml and add more LHS information as needed. Multiple instances can be run using the same docker-compose.yaml.


Feel free to use this as you see fit. It does not come with any warranty, implied or otherwise.


Docker installation for Handle LHS.






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