This project is done for my Computer Graphics And Multimedia Course. This project basically draws our National Martyrs Memorial using the OpenGL And Glut.
- A Sky in the back
- Birds
- Cloud
- Stairs to the memorial
- Field
- Pool
- National Flag
- And The Memorial
1. First I have drawn a sky in the back.
2. Then the stairs to the memorial.
3. After this the main memorial is Drawn.
4. And then we have drawn the field, pool and flag to
complete the drawing of National Martyrs Memorial.
Language: C++
IDE: Codeblocks.
Library: Glut, Freeglut, OpenGL .
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
open the project file with the .cbp extension in codeblocks
Run the project
click the compile and run button in the codeblocks
Required Library dependencies (If you don't have)
download and install freeglut from,
Name: Md. Ashraf-Ul-Aanam Swapnil
ID: 181-115-032
Masum Ahmed Eesha,
Metropolitan University, Sylhet.
Made while eating 🌮 In 🕸️-Verse.