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A utility of hooks and contexts to provide simpler form field management, in addition to support of frontend validation and backend validation error processing

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🍭 React-Form-Reducer

A utility of React hooks and a context that provide a simpler form field management, in addition to support of frontend validation and backend validation error processing. The library uses the React built-in reducers and context with no dependencies to achieve a typescript oriented way of managing form state efficiently and heling developers with autosuggestion of form fields in both setters and getters.

> This package works best with TypeScript

npm ts

npm bundle size npm bundle size → 🪶 Lightweight with no dependencies


npm install react-form-reducer

Simple Usage

A simple way of using this package is as follows:

import { useForm } from "react-form-reducer";

// Define your form body type
type FormInterface = {
  name: string;
  email: string;

const MyComponent = ()=>{

  // Initialize from hook
  const { fields, assignFieldInput } = useForm<FormInterface>({
    name: '', // Default values
    email: ''

  return (

export default MyComponent;


1. Simple Form:

Example using useHook

Edit react-form-reducer--simple-demo

2. Stepped Form:

Example using FormContextProvider and useFormContext

Edit react-form-reducer--stepped-demo

3. Simple Validation Form

Edit react-form-reducer--validation-demo

4. Partial validation in a context form (stepped form)

Edit react-form-reducer--stepped-validation-demo


This library provides both a hook and a context provider, the useForm hook can be used for single component forms, and useFormContext can be used for multi-component forms.

useForm hook

This hook can be used for single component forms, and has plenty of usefull states and actions:

const {
  //Fields state
  //Fields state setters

  // Utility states

  //  Meta Data State

  // Validate trigger
  // Validate watcher state

  // Validation errors = useFormErrors()

} = useForm<
  MyMetaInterface //optional, only required if you use the meta state

  ...default values go here

  // here goes the options // optional
  onUpdateFields: (data)=> {} //optional config
  validation: new Resolver //optional config
  //meta default values // optional, only if you wish to use the meta state
  metafield: 'default',

Properties of useForm & useFormContext

  • fields

    The state object of form body ()

  • setField('name', value)

    This can be used to sets a field value by name

  • setFields(data, isDirty?: boolean = true)

    This can be used to sets all the fields values at once

    If you wish set a few values only instead of all field values do the following:

    setFields({...fields, name: 'Jane', surname: 'Doe'})

  • handleInputChange('name')

    This can be used to directly handle ChangeEvents on HTML form elements, and automaticly assign the new values to the fields.

  • assignFieldInput('name')

    This can be used to directly assign all usefull attributes to HTML form elements (input,textarea,select), this function will return an object with values for element attribute: value, onChange and disabled, so it can be simply used this way on an input:

  • assignFieldUI('name')

    This is similar to assignFieldInput but returns additional properties error & helperText, this is usefull for UI components that support those properties like MUI and :

      {... assignFieldUI("email")}
  • reset()

    This will reset all the field values to the default values

  • isDirty & setIsDirty

    This state can be used to detect if the user made changes to the field values and handle it.

  • isBusy & setIsBusy

    This state can be used to handle the loading and disabled logic, this state has to be set and reset as part of your form submission logic.

  • step & setStep

    This state that can be usefyll when handling stepped forms.

  • meta & setMeta & setAllMeta

    This state is similar to the fields state, but isn't part of the validation of reset logic, can be usefull for when storing extra data that is used accross components but not passed with the form submission.

  • validate(fieldsToCheck?: string[])

    This is the trigger for running hte validation, not passing any fields will trigger a full validation on all fields, otherwise if you pass an array of field names it will do a partial validation for them. More info on how to setup validation rules this can be found below in the validation section.

  • validationWatcher

    This is a state validation response, it can be useful if you wish to display or print validation errors in real time.

  • errors

    This is property that returns the useFormErrors hook used by the form hook, the form hook will use this to process frontend validation errors, but you use it outside to process BackEnd errors outside the hook, more info on how to use this in the useFormErrors section below.

Options for useForm & FormContextProvider

You can pass these options to the hook and context provider:

  • onUpdateFields: (data)=>data

    This option is an event option that allows you to manipulate the fields state data everytime they are updated.

  • validation: new Resolver(...)

    This option allows you to pass a validation resolver to provide the ability of validating fields, more info about this can be found in the validation section.

Context Provider : useFormContext & FormContextProvider

The context provider and hook are helpful for when sharing the form state between multiple components (for example: A multi-step form).

  1. Setting up provider context

const WrapperComponent = ()=>{
  const FormProvider = FormContextProvider<MyFormInterface>;
  return (
        email: '',
        name: '',
        type: '',
        terms: false
        validation: new Resolver({
          email: 'required|email',
          name: 'required',
          type: 'required',
          terms: 'accepted'
      <MyFormComponent />
  1. Usage of useFormContext

    This hook will return the same properties as useHook, just make sure you call this hook inside the context provider you setup before:
const MyFormComponent = ()=>{
  // This can be called on any child components under the context provider
  const { fields } = useFormContext<MyFormInterface>();

  return (....);

useFormErrors a hook that handles errors

This hook is provided as the error property in the previous hooks, but can also be used on its own.

const errors = useFormErrors();

// Sets error messages

// Add error message for field
errors.add('field_name', 'Invalid value');

// Check if errors exist for field

// Check if errors exist for specific fields
error.hasAny(['field_1', 'field_2']);

// Returns the array of error messages for field

// Returns the first error messages for field

// Clears error messages for field;

// Clears all error messages

The error messages should follow the Errors type exported by the package, an example of a valid error data:

  'name: [
    'This field is required'
  'password': [
    'Password should be at least 6 characters',
    'No whitespace allowed'


To use validation on form fields, you need to install the resolver library react-form-reducer-validator:

npm i react-form-reducer-validator

The resolver wraps and uses the validatorjs library, the library allows for a neat & simple way of adding validation rules. and the resolver allows for partial validation which is useful for stepped forms. You can also build and use your own resolver library if you like!

import { Resolver } from 'react-form-reducer-validator';

type MyValidatedFormType = {
  name: string;
  email: string;
  password: string;
  password_confirmation: string;
  terms: boolean;

export function ValidatedForm() {
  const {
  } = useForm<MyValidatedFormType>(
      name: '',
      email: '',
      password: '',
      password_confirmation: '',
      terms: false
      validation: new Resolver(
	  // Validation rules
          name: 'required',
          email: 'required|email',
          password: 'required',
          password_confirmation: 'required|same:password',
          terms: 'accepted'
	  // Custom messages
          'accepted.terms': 'Please accept the :attribute',
          'same.password_confirmation': "Passwords don't match"

  const handleSubmit = async ()=>{
    const { passed } = await validate()

      // throw error

Further documentation on the validation resolver can be found on its repo:

Handle Backend Validation Errors

To process the errors returned from the backend you can use the useFormErrors hook, as long as they're in the suitable format.


GitHub issues

Feedback, Issue reports, suggestions and contributions are appreciated and welcome.


A utility of hooks and contexts to provide simpler form field management, in addition to support of frontend validation and backend validation error processing






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