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Integer Generic Parameters


In this proposal, we introduce the ability to parameterize generic types on literal integer parameters.


Swift does not currently support fixed-size or fixed-capacity collections with inline storage. (Or at least, it doesn't do so well, not without forming a struct with some specific number of elements and doing horrible things with withUnsafePointer to handle indexing.) Most of the implementation of something like a fixed-size array, or a fixed-capacity growable array with a maximum size, or a hash table with a fixed number of buckets, is agnostic to any specific size or capacity, so that implementation would ideally be generic over size so that a library implementation can be reused for any given size.

Beyond inline storage sizes, there are other use cases for carrying integers in type information, such as to represent an operation with a particular input or output size. Carrying this information in types can allow for APIs with stronger static guarantees that chains of operations match in the number of elements they consume or produce.

Proposed solution

Generic types can now be parameterized by integer parameters, declared using the syntax let <Name>: Int inside of the generic parameter angle brackets:

struct Vector<let count: Int, Element> {
    /*implementation TBD*/

A generic type with integer parameters can be instantiated using literal integer arguments:

struct Matrix4x4 {
    var matrix: Vector<4, Vector<4, Double>>

Or it can be instantiated using integer generic parameters from the surrounding generic environment:

struct Matrix<let n: Int, let m: Int> {
    var matrix: Vector<n, Vector<m, Double>>

Generic functions and methods can also be parameterized by integer generic parameters. As with other generic parameters, the values of the generic arguments for a call are inferred from the types of the argument values provided to the call:

func matmul<let a: Int, let b: Int, let c: Int>(
    _ l: Matrix<a, b>,
    _ r: Matrix<b, c>
) -> Matrix<a, c> { ... }

let m1 = Matrix<4, 2>(...)
let m2 = Matrix<2, 5>(...)

let m3 = matmul(m1, m2) // a = 4, b = 2, c = 5, result type is Matrix<4, 5>

Within an expression, a reference to an integer generic parameter evaluates the parameter as a value of type Int:

extension Vector {
    subscript(i: Int) -> Element {
        get {
            if i < 0 || i >= count {
                fatalError("index \(i) out of bounds [0, \(count))")
            return element(i)

Detailed design

The grammar for generic parameter lists expands to include value generic parameters:

generic-parameter --> 'let' type-name ':' type

Correspondingly, signed integer literals can now appear as elements in generic argument lists and as operands of generic requirements:

generic-argument --> '-'? integer-literal
same-type-requirement --> type-identifier '==' '-'? integer-literal

Although they can appear as elements in generic parameter lists, integer literals are still not allowed to appear as types in and of themselves, and cannot be used as bindings for type generic parameters.

let x: 2 // error, 2 is not a type
let y: Array<2> // error, Array's Element is a type generic parameter

Likewise, integer generic parameters cannot be used as standalone types in their generic context.

struct Foo<let x: Int> {
    let y: x // Error, x is not a type
    let metax: x.Type // Error, x has no member `.Type`

The type referenced by a value generic parameter declaration must resolve to the Swift.Int standard library type. (Allowing other types of value generic parameter is a future direction.)

struct Foo<let x: Int> { } // OK (assuming no shadowing `Int` declaration)
struct Foo2<let x: Swift.Int> { } // also OK

struct BadFoo<let x: Float> { } // Error, generic parameters of type Float not supported

typealias MyInt = Swift.Int
struct Bar<let x: MyInt> { } // OK

struct Baz: P {
    typealias A = Int

struct Zim<let x: Baz.A> { } // OK

func contrived() {
    struct Int { }

    struct BadFoo<let x: Int> { } // Error, local Int not supported

    struct Foo<let x: Swift.Int> { } // OK

In a type reference, an integer generic argument can be provided as either a literal integer, or as a reference to an integer generic parameter from the enclosing generic context. References to type generic parameters, type generic parameter packs, or declarations other than integer generic parameters is an error. (Allowing references to constants of integer type, or more elaborate constant expressions, as generic parameters is a future direction.)

struct IntParam<let x: Int> { }

let a: IntParam<2> // OK
let b: IntParam<-2> // OK

struct AlsoIntParam<let x: Int, T, each U> {
    let c: IntParam<x> // OK

    static let someIntegerConstant = 42
    let d: IntParam<someIntegerConstant> // Error, not an Int generic parameter

    let e: IntParam<T> // Error, is a type generic parameter
    let f: IntParam<U> // Error, is a pack generic parameter

Conversely, using an integer generic parameter as an argument for a type generic parameter is also an error.

struct IntAndTypeParam<let x: Int, T> {
    let xs: Array<x> // Error, x is an integer type parameter

An integer generic parameter can be constrained to be equal to a specific literal value using a same-value constraint, spelled with == as for a same-type constraint. Two integer generic parameters can also be constrained to be equal to each other.

struct TwoIntParams<T, let n: Int, let m: Int> {}

extension TwoIntParams where n == 2 {
    func foo() { ... }

extension TwoIntParams where n == m {
    func bar() { ... }

let x: TwoIntParams<Int, 2, 42> // OK // Error, doesn't match constraint

let y: TwoIntParams<Int, 3, 3> // Error, doesn't match constraint // OK

Integer generic parameters cannot be constrained to be equal to type generic parameters, concrete types, or to declarations other than generic parameters. Integer generic parameters also cannot be constrained to conform to protocols.

extension TwoIntParams where n == T {} // error
extension TwoIntParams where T == n {} // error
extension TwoIntParams where n == Int {} // error

let globalConstant = 42
extension TwoIntParams where n == globalConstant {} // error

extension TwoIntParams where n: Collection // error

(In the same way overload resolution already works in Swift, extensions or functions with generic constraints on integer parameters will only be chosen for call sites at which those constraints always hold; we won't "dispatch" based on the value of an argument from a less-constrained call site.)

struct Foo<let n: Int> {
    func foo() { print("foo #1") }

    func bar() {
        // Always prints "foo #1"

extension Foo where n == 2 {
    func foo() { print("foo #2") }

Foo<2>().bar() // prints "foo #1"
Foo<2>().foo() // prints "foo #2"

Source compatibility

This proposal is a strict extension of the existing language. The let n: Type syntax should ensure source compatibility if we expand the feature to allow value generic parameters of other types in the future.

ABI compatibility

This proposal does not affect the ABI of existing code. Handling integer generic parameters in full generality requires new functionality in the Swift runtime to be able to encode and interpret them as part of type metadata.

As with generic parameters in general, adding or removing integer generic parameters, replacing value parameters of a function with integer generic parameters, reordering an integer generic parameter relative to other generic parameters (whether value or type), and adding or removing same-value constraints are all ABI-breaking changes.

Implications on adoption

Back-deployment limitations

On platforms where the vendor ships the Swift runtime with the operating system, there may be limitations on using integer generic parameters in programs that want to target earlier versions of those platforms that don't have the necessary runtime support.

Naming conventions

Integer generic parameters are a new kind of declaration in Swift, and conventions need to be established as to how they should be named. This proposal recommends that integer generic parameters follow the convention of other value bindings and be named using lowerCamelCase identifiers.

Future directions

This proposal aims to establish the core functionality of integer generic parameters. There are many possible improvements that could be built upon this base:

Fixed-size and fixed-capacity collection types

This proposal provides a foundational mechanism for fixed-size array and fixed-capacity collection types, but does not itself introduce any new standard library types or mechanisms for defining those types. We leave it to future proposals to explore the design of those types.

Use of constant bindings as generic parameters

It would be very useful to be able to use constant bindings as generic parameter bindings, in addition to literals and existing generic parameter bindings:

static let bufferSize
    = MemoryLayout<Int8>.size * 64 + MemoryLayout<Int>.size * 8

var buffer = Vector<bufferSize, UInt8>(...)

This should be possible as long as the bindings referenced are known to be constant (like let bindings are).

A likely-fundamental limitation to this feature, as well as related constant evaluation features explored below, is that the type checker will likely be unable to reason about the value of these bindings. Type checking influences overload resolution and the overall meaning of expressions, so cannot rely on the evaluation of those expressions without creating circularities. We may be able understand that two terms spelled exactly the same way are equivalent, but we wouldn't recognize two different expressions with the same result are the same type statically:

let fourShorts = 4 * MemoryLayout<Int16>.size
let eightBytes = 8 * MemoryLayout<Int8>.size

var v1: Vector<fourShorts, UInt8> = [...]
var v2: Vector<eightBytes, UInt8> = [...]
v1 = v2 // Error, different types

This is similar to how opaque result types for different declarations are type-checked as if they are potentially different types even when their underlying types dynamically resolve to the same type.

Arithmetic in generic parameters

There are many operations that would benefit from being able to express basic arithmetic relationships among values. For instance, the concatenation of two fixed-sized arrays would give an array whose length is the sum of the input lengths:

func concat<let n: Int, let m: Int, T>(
    _ a: Vector<n, T>, _ b: Vector<m, T>
) -> Vector<n + m, T>

Due to the bidirectional nature of Swift's type-checking, there would be limits to the sorts of relations we would be able to express this way.

Relating integer generic parameters and variadic pack shapes

The "shape" of a parameter pack ultimately compiles down to its length. Variadic packs don't currently have a way to directly reference or constrain their shape or length, and integer generic parameters might be one way of doing so. Among other things, this might allow for a variadic API to express that it takes as many arguments as one of its integer generic parameters indicates:

struct Vector<let n: Int, T> {
    // the initializer for a Vector takes one argument
    // for every element
    init(_ values: repeat each n * T)

Non-integer value generic parameters

We may want to eventually allow generic declarations to have value parameters of type other than Int. The proposal's let Parameter: Type declaration syntax maintains space for this:

struct MatrixShape { var rows: Int, columns: Int }

struct Matrix<let shape: MatrixShape> {
    var elements: Vector<shape.rows, Vector<shape.columns, Double>>

Although the syntactic extension is straightforward, there are a lot of questions to answer about how type equality is determined when values of arbitrary type are involved, and what sorts of construction and destructuring operations can be supported at type level. There is some precedent in other languages to look at here, particularly C++'s non-type template parameters or Rust's similar const generics feature. However, in relation to those other languages, Swift puts a bit stronger emphasis on being able to abstract the layout of types, but the type-level equality of parameters would be heavily dependent on their types' layout and how initialization and property access works.

Integer parameter packs

There are use cases for variadic packs of integer generic parameters. For instance, it might be a way of representing arbitrary multidimensional matrices of values:

struct MDMatrix<let each n: Int> { ... }

let mat2d: MDMatrix<4, 4> = ...
let mat4d: MDMatrix<120, 24, 6, 2> = ...

Alternatives considered

Variable-sized types instead of integer generic parameters

One of the primary motivators for integer generic parameters is to represent fixed-size and fixed-capacity collections. One of the reasons this is necessary is because every value of a Swift type has to have a uniform size; since a four-element array has a different size from a five-element array, that implies that they have to be different types Vector<4, T> and Vector<5, T>.

However, one could argue that the fundamental type of such a container doesn't really change with its size; in most cases, a function that can accept an array of some size can just as well accept an array of any size. Forcing a type distinction between different-sized arrays forces the majority of APIs that want to work with arrays to either be generic over their size, be generic over some more abstract protocol like Collection that all sized arrays conform to (along with unsized Array and non-array collections), or work with the arrays indirectly through some handle type like UnsafeBufferPointer or Span.

So it's interesting to consider an alternative design where we instead remove the "all values of a type have the same size" constraint. One could say that the owner of a Vector value has to give it some size, but then a borrowing or inout Vector can reference a Vector of any size, since the reference representation would carry that size information from the owner. There are however a lot of open questions following this design path—if you want to have a two-dimensional Vector of Vectors, how do you track the size information of both levels of nesting? There also are functions that want to require taking two input arrays of the same size, or promise to return an array as the same size as an argument. These relationships are straightforward to express through the generics system, and if sizes aren't propagated through types but some other means, it seems likely we would need a parallel mechanism for reasoning about sizes generically. Variable-sized types are an interesting idea to explore, but it isn't clear that they lead to an overall simpler language design.

Declaring value parameters without let

One could argue that, since Int clearly isn't a protocol constraint, that it should be sufficient to declare integer generic parameters with the syntax <n: Int> without an introducer like let. There are at least a couple of reasons we choose to adopt the let introducer:

  • It makes it clear to the reader (and the compiler) what parameters are value parameters without needing to do name resolution first. This may not be a huge deal for Int, but if we expand the feature to allow other types of value generic parameters, then it may not be obvious in an unfamiliar codebase whether T: Foo refers to a protocol constraint Foo or a concrete type Foo.
  • If we do generalize value generic parameters to allow other types in the future, it's not entirely out of the question that that could include existential types, which would make T: P potentially ambiguous as to whether it declares a type parameter constrained to T or a value parameter of type any P. (There are perhaps other ways of dealing with that ambiguity, such as requiring the value parameter form to be written explicitly with t: any P.)

Arbitrary-precision integer generic parameters

Instead of treating integer generic parameters as values of Int or any finite type, another possible design would be to treat type-level integers as independent of any concrete type, leaving them as ideal arbitrary-precision integers. This would have some semantic advantages if we want to allow for type-level arithmetic relationships, since these operations could be defined in their ideal form without having to deal with overflow and other limitations of concrete Swift types. In such a design, a reference to an integer generic parameter in a value expression could be treated as polymorphic, in a similar way to how integer literals can be used with any type that's ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral.

Although this model has some appeal, it also has some practical issues. If type-level integers are arbitrary precision, but value-level integer types are still finite, then there is the chance for overflow any time a type-level integer is reified to a finite integer type. This model also would not extend very naturally to non-integer value parameters if we introduce those in the future.

Generic parameters of integer types other than Int

We discuss generalizing value generic parameters to types other than Int as a future direction above, but a narrower expansion might be to allow all of Swift's primitive integer types, including all of the sized and signed/unsigned variants, as types for generic value parameters. One could argue that UInt is particular is desirable to use as the type for fixed-size and fixed-capacity collections, of which instances can never actually be constructed for negative sizes.

However, we would like to continue to promote the use of Int as the common currency type for integers, as we have already established for the standard library. Introducing mixed integer types as type-level generic parameters would inevitably lead to the need to be able to perform type conversions at type level, and the associated need to deal with overflow during these type-level conversions.

The established API for the Collection protocol, Array, and the other standard library types already use Int for count and array subscripting operations, so establishing Int as the type for type-level size parameters avoids the need for type conversions when mixing type- and value-level index and size values. Types that use integer parameters for sizing can still refuse to initialize values of types with negative parameters, so that a type like Vector<-1, Int> is uninhabited. Given the restrictions in this initial proposal, without type-level arithmetic, it is unlikely that developers would intentionally form such a type with a negative size explicitly.

Alternative naming conventions

We propose recommending a lowerCamelCase naming convention for integer generic parameters, following the recommended convention for other value declarations such as property and function declarations. This allows for integer generic parameters to appear consistent with other value references in expressions. If we add the ability to instantiate generics using value constants or expressions as integer generic arguments in the future, this will also maintain consistency between existing generic parameters and other value declarations used as arguments:

struct Foo<let n: Int> {
    static let nSquared = n * n

    // These both consistently use lowerCamelCase
    var vector: Vector<n, Double>
    var matrix: Vector<nSquared, Double>

Alternatively, we could recommend that integer generic parameters use UpperCamelCase, following the convention of type generic parameters. We believe that the distinction between values and types is better to prioritize than the distinction between type-level and value-level parameters.

Syntactic separation of value and type parameters

The angle brackets that enclose generic arguments have to be syntactically disambiguated from the < and > operators. This disambiguation relies on parsing ahead to determine whether the source code following a < is parsable as a list of types followed by a closing > and a member access or initializer call. This lookahead rule has worked well up to this point, but it could impose constraints on our ability to allow for expressions to be used as generic arguments, since allowing more expression productions to appear in generic argument lists will lead to more potentially ambiguous parsing situations.

It may be worth considering a design that separates value generic parameters by putting them in a different set of brackets separate from the type generic parameters, like Vector[count]<Element>. This would avoid the need for disambiguation if an arbitrary expression can be used as a count in the future.


We would like to thank the following people for prototyping and design contributions that helped shape this proposal:

  • Holly Borla
  • Ben Cohen
  • Erik Eckstein
  • Doug Gregor
  • Tim Kientzle
  • Karoy Lorentey
  • John McCall
  • Kuba Mracek
  • Slava Pestov
  • Andrew Trick
  • Pavel Yaskevich