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Voros: Scraper/parser for MLB Pitch data


Get pitch-by-pitch data from MLB's API in a friendly format. Named after DIPS-inventor Voros McCracken.


In [1]: from voros import Scraper

In [2]: from datetime import date

In [3]: import pandas as pd

In [4]: s = Scraper()

In [5]: df = pd.DataFrame(, 4, 1), date(2008, 4, 2)))

In [6]: df.head()
away_team      ax      ay       az  batter break_angle break_length break_y  \
0       ari  16.894  29.125  -21.117  455759       -32.6          6.5    23.7
1       ari   9.003  23.273  -24.415  455759       -16.6          7.9    23.8
2       ari   9.655  22.735  -29.378  455759       -15.3          9.1    23.8
3       ari  16.483  29.234  -24.125  455759       -29.3          6.6    23.7
4       ari  18.276   28.46  -22.469  455759       -33.5          7.0    23.7

cc              des ...  type_confidence      vx0       vy0     vz0       x  \
0       Called Strike ...            2.000  -12.388  -128.615  -4.967  103.86
1       Called Strike ...            2.000   -8.481  -115.609  -2.181   78.11
2                Ball ...            2.000    -7.97  -117.315  -4.537   66.95
3                Ball ...            2.000  -13.938  -128.972   1.812  122.75
4     In play, run(s) ...            2.000  -12.679  -127.693  -4.988  107.30

    x0       y    y0     z0 zone
0  3.448  151.10  50.0  5.971    8
1   3.48  132.97  50.0  6.271    3
2  3.619  171.83  50.0   6.17   14
3  3.495   88.07  50.0  6.046   11
4  3.357  149.38  50.0  6.048    4

[5 rows x 49 columns]

Scraper().run(start_date, end_date) is the only thing you really need. The method returns a generator that yields a dict for every pitch. Each dict contains all the per-pitch data MLB provides, as well as per-inning data. If you look here, it combines the attributes of the inning and atbat elements with those of each pitch element.


In the interest of convenience, errors get converted to warnings. Thus, if your wifi cuts out midway through, you'll still get something back.

In the interest of reducing the number of pointless HTTP requests made, I tried to be reasonable about dates. Games played between April and November are scraped, with a modulo-ish mechanism resulting in the first game in April immediately following the last game of the last year's playoffs.

There's no per-game date info, unfortunately. The only date information is in the URL, and I couldn't think of an elegant way to propagate that through the parsing process. Maybe I will someday! Coincidentally, I'm also accepting PRs, hint hint. (There are actually two separate date fields in the data itself—start_tfs_zulu and tfs_zulu. They're even already in UTC for you! Local game times could be recreated with a library like pytz and a mapping between home teams and timezones, but that's Beyond The Scope Of This Work.)

You can get A LOT OF DATA this way. The code uses generators wherever reasonable to cut down on memory usage, but you'll still probably regret trying to turn an entire season's worth of games into a single in-memory DataFrame, so...don't? You can either throttle in the scraping, or use something like itertools.islice on the generator that gets returned, e.g.:

lmt = 100
idx = 0
g = voros.Scraper().run(start, end)
res = islice(g, lmt)
while res:
    fname = 'pitch_data_{}.csv'.format(idx)
    # seems like overkill until you see your 9th error about
    # `csv.DictWriter` encountering an unfamiliar field
    idx += 1
    res = islice(g, lmt)


Inspired by John Choiniere's pfx_parser. Written by Sam Raker.


Scraper/parser for MLB pitch data






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