Callete is a framework for developing (Java) media clients for embedded systems (Raspberry Pi).
02.01.2015 - Adding documentation
- The rotary encoder support is just ugly. The original implementation that decoded the value was not working properly. So the current state is a workaround that works for me.
- The deployment on Linux based machines isn't working. At least you get a deployment bundle after executing maven which you can deploy manually. I'm working on that.
This documentation is written for the following setup:
- Raspberry Pi 3 Model B 512MB Ram
- enabled ssh access (sudo raspi-config)
- enabled internet access
- make sure Java is installed
- make sure Maven is installed
If you are usinga frontend, I recommend to overclock the Pi, you can do set in the setup menu by calling
- sudo raspi-config
Apply the settings:
- overclocked to 900Mhz (recommended)
- shared graphic memory to 128MB
Optional: Disable screensaver for console (used when a TFT with UI is connected): Disable text terminals from blanking change two settings in /etc/kbd/config
Adjust settings of your custom UI (e.g. a JavaFX or AWT GUI): Edit the /boot/config.txt file and customize the overscan properties, e.g.:
- overscan_bottom=16
Ensure ssh agent is running:
- eval $(ssh-agent)
Generate new public key:
- ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your_email@example.com"
Then add your new key to the ssh-agent:
- ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Run the following code to copy the key to your clipboard:
- cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
Add key to github: https://github.com/settings/ssh
Clone the callete repository into your pi's home directory and execute the install script. The installation may take a while, so drink a coffee or two:
- git clone git@github.com:syd711/callete.git
- cd callete
- sudo chmod 777 install.sh
- ./install.sh
If the installation fails for some reasons, check the install script and check the separate steps. The install script installs maven into the home directory, the default configuration of callete expects it to be there. This is a little bit dirty, I hope I'm gonna fix this in a future release.
To be able to connect to MPD from any host, it is necessary to configure the mpd conf:
- sudo vi /etc/mpd.conf
- Find and change the line: bind_to_address "any"
- sudo service mpd restart
Before we can start the deployment server, we have to configure the IP address of the Raspberry Pi:
- edit ~/callete/conf/callete.properties
- deployment.host = <YOUR_IP>
Afterwards, start the server:
- cd callete
- cd callete-deployment
- sudo ./startServer.sh
callete comes with a project template. It can be cloned from here: https://github.com/syd711/callete-template
The project comes with a setup for the callete deployment server and documentation how to use the framework.