Please read: Using mTLS to connect to S3 using Java AWS S3 SDK
We want to be able to authenticate and authorize s3 client connections over a mTLS connection. To do so we will need to install nginx, minio and run some java tests to verify that the system is working.
Warning: Please do not use this code or certificates in production as the code is inherently insecure and only is meant for demonstrational purpouses. The reason for this is that the Java client application not is setup to verify that is is in fact talking to the correct host. To do this properly you should authorize the host with a implementation of the and use the HostnameVerifier to initialize the SSLContext.
Install MinIO: Install NginX:
see server template: nginx/servers/minio
The certificates and keys needed for setting up mTLS is available under certs
Please change the following folders in the nginx/servers/minio so that they point to the certificates in the certs folder.
The following properties in nginx/servers/minio needs to be changed:
- ssl_certificate
- ssl_certificate_key
- ssl_client_certificate
The nginx/servers/minio needs to be moved to the nginx/servers folder so that it is loaded when restarting nginx.
After installing and starting MinIO and NginX Please verify that mTLS is working by doing the following:
curl --verbose -X POST -d '{"someparam1":"somevalue1","someparam2":"somevalue2"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -k https://localhost:8092 --cert certs/client.pem --key certs/client.key
After the client and server TLS handshake you should see: SSL connection using TLSv1.2
This is needed if you want to run the examples using SSEC using an external KMS like HashiCorp Vault.
- Follow this setup guide:
But the Minio KMS Environment variables might not work with the latest version of Minio so do like this:
export MINIO_SSE_VAULT_APPROLE_ID=53b11d5a-2e90-2b31-d592-f12fc164913d export MINIO_SSE_VAULT_APPROLE_SECRET=537d1314-fade-1e16-c6d5-091e8cb11136 export MINIO_SSE_VAULT_ENDPOINT= export MINIO_SSE_VAULT_AUTH_TYPE=approle export MINIO_SSE_VAULT_KEY_NAME=my-minio-key export MINIO_SSE_AUTO_ENCRYPTION=on
Add your minio public.cert to certs/truststore.jks
keytool -import -alias minio -file ~/.minio/certs/public.crt -storetype JKS -keystore certs/truststore.jks
# password: server
Install and setup AWS-CLI with Minio:
Test that Vault and Minio is correctly setup:
cd src/test/resources aws s3api put-object \ --no-verify-ssl \ --endpoint-url https://localhost:9000 \ --bucket test --key healthTreatment.json \ --sse-customer-algorithm AES256 \ --sse-customer-key MzJieXRlc2xvbmdzZWNyZXRrZXltdXN0cHJvdmlkZWQ= \ --sse-customer-key-md5 7PpPLAK26ONlVUGOWlusfg== \ --body ./healthTreatment.json aws s3api get-object \ --no-verify-ssl \ --endpoint-url https://localhost:9000 \ --bucket test --key healthTreatment.json \ --sse-customer-algorithm AES256 \ --sse-customer-key MzJieXRlc2xvbmdzZWNyZXRrZXltdXN0cHJvdmlkZWQ= \ --sse-customer-key-md5 7PpPLAK26ONlVUGOWlusfg== \ ./healthTreatment1.json
If everything succeed, you should have a ./healthTreatment1.json in the resource directory.
Configure and install mc:
mc config host add
mc mb test
run tests:
mvn test -Dtest=MinioTest
# or for the SSE-C encryption example
mvn test -Dtest=MinioSSECTest
Passing all the tests means you have tested the system end-to-end
You should be able to reach Minio S3 by opening https://localhost:8092, but you will need to install the client.p12 certificate on your Mac/PC and explicitly tell your Mac/PC to trust the certificate in order to access the Minio browser.