Source code and example on how to use Kafka for developers in kotlin, inspired by Confluent.
Make sure to add an extra 6Go to your docker to run it.
# Build
docker-compose up -d
# Execute commands
docker-compose exec tools /bin/bash
cd ~/confluent-dev/labs/
# Set up the topics
# If not using directly your IDE, run the project with
gradle run
# Remove
docker-compose down -v
Don't forget to add in your /etc/hosts
the following: localhost kafka training avro schema-registry ksql-training
Producer writes to a topic
Consumers polls and reads the messages from topic
Messages can be read multiple times depending on your retention policy. (Which offsets when you are going to read from)
are more efficient when they are on multiple partitions
Those partitions
are on one or multiple brokers
, which are used for resilience, because if one broker
goes done the messages
written / read on the Topic
will still be able to be processed by other brokers
With no keys the messages or record will be sent to the partition using round robin. If there is a key, it will use this key to define the partition example:
5 partition, message with key = 7 -> <key> mod( <partition> ) = 2
> Which mean message of key 7 will go to partition 2 in this case.
You can set a replica factor so that you will have a replica of each of the Topic partition in the other brokers.
Ideally you set it to three, those wil create ISR in sync replicas
The event is first sent to the leader then when it has committed on the transaction log, the event is sent to the next follower. Replicas are identical up to a specified point called the high-water mark which correspond to the last committed message. After each event processed by the leader it will then rise the high water mark for the replicas to process.
The data retention is made with the segments which are files that stores/logs the events that have been sent on the partition.
Messages that are read are said to be committed
to the log. So we know which message has been listened to and when.
If a consumer fails to read a message, another consumer can review the log to start back at the right event in the queue.
ACK -> Acknowledge. There are three settings :
will not wait for the acknowledgement of the serveracks=1
will wait for the leader to write on local logack=all
Producer will wait for all in sync replicas (ISR) to have acknowledged the receipt of the record within delivery time
The retries
for the amount of time it will retry (Until MAX_INT
You can set a
to pause in between retries. (default to 100ms)
puts a limit to report the result or failure from a producer:
send() - batching - awaits send - retry - back off
Kafka don't do well with big files message.max.bytes
is recommended to 1mb.
Plain text is not very efficient, everything needs to be converted to text.
We want to use a schema to structure the data.
Avro (an other apache open source project) used for serialization of the data. It's like an optimized json, faster to process and more robust.
To generate automatically the classes for avro you can use the gradle-avro-plugin.
Once you have your schemes in ./src/main/avro
In your build.gradle.kts
you need to add:
plugins {
id("com.commercehub.gradle.plugin.avro") version "0.9.1"
repositories {
maven ("")
Then you can run the task that will create the classes then build using:
gradle generateAvroJava build
You will need to register the Avro schemas to the registry:
cd ~/confluent-dev/labs/src/main/resources/schemas/
# Register the schema
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/vnd.schemaregistry.v1+json" \
--data @sample-schema-v2.json \
Check out more on Confluent: Kafka Streams and Tables.
represents an history of events and are immutable data.
represents a state and are mutable.
Watch the transformed stream.
kafka-console-consumer \
--bootstrap-server kafka:9092 \
--topic vehicle-positions-oper-47 \
KSQL is an API for the Kafka Streams which is also an API from the Producer / Consumer. KSQL is mostly for people who don't want / need to write code/ use the Java Kafka Stream.
ksql http://ksql-server:8088
Do not create topics starting with
which is for offsets topics.
# create / modify
# --partitions Number of partition for the topic
# --replication-factor For durability, default is 1
kafka-topics \
--create \
--bootstrap-server kafka:9092 \
--partitions 6 \
--replication-factor 1 \
--topic vehicle-positions