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Release Updates & Announcments:

Introducing FACEIO NPM Package

  • TLDR; FACEIO is a facial authentication framework that is to be implemented on websites or web applications via simple JavaScript snippet (just like Disqus or Google Tag) to easily authenticate users via Face Recognition instead of the traditional login/password pair or OTP code.
  • FACEIO is a cross-browser, Cloud & On-Premise deployable, facial authentication framework, with a client-side JavaScript library (fio.js) that integrates seamlessly with any website or web application desiring to offer secure facial recognition experience to their users...
  • Put it simply, FACEIO is the easiest way to add passwordless authentication to websites or web applications. Simply implement fio.js on your website, and you will be able to instantly authenticate your existing users, and enroll new ones via Face Recognition using their computer Webcam or smartphone frontal camera on their favorite browser.
  • Once fio.js implemented on your website, you'll be able to instantly recognize your existing users, on-board new members securely with maximum convenience, and at real-time thanks to passwordless experience powered by face recognition.



The FACEIO Widget is a simple and elegant interface to provide secure facial authentication experience to your users via simple calls to the enroll() & authenticate() methods. The Widget is powered by the fio.js JavaScript library, which is simple enough to integrate in a matter of minutes while being flexible enough to support highly customized setups. Once implemented on your website or web-based application, you'll be able to authenticate your existing users, enroll new ones securely, with maximum convenience on their favorite browser, and at real-time thanks to passwordless experience powered by face recognition.

fio.js works with regular webcams, and smartphones frontal camera on all modern browsers, does not require biometric sensors, and works seemingly with all websites and web applications regardless of the underlying front-end technology used (ie. React, Vue, jQuery, Vanilla Javascript, static HTML, etc.) or server-side language or framework (eg. PHP, Python, Node.js, Rust, Elixir, etc.).

It’s super quick to get FACEIO Up & Running with just few lines of code. Follow the walkthrough below to implement fio.js on your site.


import faceIO from '@faceio/fiojs'

const faceio = new faceIO('app-public-id') // Get the application Public ID at

👉 You shouldn't run fio.js functions right after initiating it.

💡 Take a look to our community contributed tutorials listed here. They should help you implement fio.js on your website or web application using your favorite JavaScript framework whether it is React, Vue, Angular, Next or Vanilla JavaScript.


import faceIO from '@faceio/fiojs'

const faceio = new faceIO('app-public-id'); // Get the application Public ID at

function App() {
    return (
    <div className="App">
        <button onClick={enrollNewUser}>Enroll New User</button>
        <button onClick={authenticateUser}>Authenticate User</button>

async function enrollNewUser() {
    // call to faceio.enroll() here will automatically trigger the on-boarding process
async function authenticateUser(){
    // call to faceio.authenticate() here will automatically trigger the facial authentication process
function handleError(errCode){
    // Handle error here
    // Log all possible error codes during user interaction..
    // Refer to:
    // for a detailed overview when these errors are triggered.
    const fioErrs = faceio.fetchAllErrorCodes();
    switch (errCode) {
    case fioErrs.PERMISSION_REFUSED:
        console.log("Access to the Camera stream was denied by the end user");
    case fioErrs.NO_FACES_DETECTED:
        console.log("No faces were detected during the enroll or authentication process");
    case fioErrs.UNRECOGNIZED_FACE:
        console.log("Unrecognized face on this application's Facial Index");
    case fioErrs.MANY_FACES:
        console.log("Two or more faces were detected during the scan process");
    case fioErrs.FACE_DUPLICATION:
        console.log("User enrolled previously (facial features already recorded). Cannot enroll again!");
    case fioErrs.MINORS_NOT_ALLOWED:
        console.log("Minors are not allowed to enroll on this application!");
    case fioErrs.PAD_ATTACK:
        console.log("Presentation (Spoof) Attack (PAD) detected during the scan process");
    case fioErrs.FACE_MISMATCH:
        console.log("Calculated Facial Vectors of the user being enrolled do not matches");
    case fioErrs.WRONG_PIN_CODE:
        console.log("Wrong PIN code supplied by the user being authenticated");
    // ...
    // Refer to the boilerplate at:
    // for the list of all possible error codes.

export default App;



const userInfo = await faceio
.enroll({ parameters })
.catch(errCode => {
  /* handle the error */



enrol(), register(), record()


enroll() takes a single, optional parameters object with the properties to be configured. The table below lists all possible properties of the parameters object:

Property Name Type Default Value Description
payload Any Serializable JSON NULL An arbitrary set of data, you want to associate with the user being enrolled. Example of useful payloads includes Email Address, Name, ID, Token, and so on. This payload will be forwarded back to you upon successful future authentication of this particular user. Maximum payload size per user is set to 16KB.
permissionTimeout Number 27 Seconds Total number of seconds to wait for the user to grant camera access permission. Passing this delay, the ongoing enroll() operation is aborted and the promise is rejected with the fioErrCode.PERMISSION_REFUSED error code.
termsTimeout Number 10 Minutes Total number of minutes to wait for the user to accept FACEIO/Host Application Terms of Service. Passing this delay, the ongoing enroll() operation is aborted and the promise is rejected with the fioErrCode.TERMS_NOT_ACCEPTED error code.
idleTimeout Number 27 Seconds Total number of seconds to wait before giving up if no faces were detected during the enrollment process. Passing this delay, the ongoing operation is aborted and the promise is rejected with the fioErrCode.NO_FACES_DETECTED error code.
replyTimeout Number 40 Seconds Total number of seconds to wait before giving up if the remote FACEIO processing node does not return a response (a very unlikely scenario). Passing this delay, the ongoing operation is aborted and the promise is rejected with the fioErrCode.TIMEOUT error code.
enrollIntroTimeout Number 12 Seconds Enrollment Widget introduction/instruction screen display delay.
locale String auto Default interaction language for the Widget display. If this value is missing or set to auto, then the interaction language will be deducted from the Accept-Language HTTP request header. Otherwise, just pass the BCP 47, two letter, language code of your choice (en, ar, es, ja, de, etc.). If the requested interaction language is not supported, the fallback, default interaction language is US English: en-us.
userConsent Boolean false If you have already collected user consent before enrollment (eg. When the user create a new account on your Website and accept the terms), you can set this parameter to true. In which case, the Terms of Use consent screen is not displayed for the end user being enrolled. It is your responsibility to explicitly ask for consent before enrolling a new user. For additional information, please consult our Privacy Best Practices for applications.


A Promise whose fulfillment handler receives a userInfo object when the user has successfully been enrolled. On failure, the promise is rejected with one of the possible error codes listed below.

The table below lists all fields of the userInfo object returned to your web application by enroll() when its promise is fulfilled:

Property Name Type Description
facialId UUID (String) A Universally Unique Identifier assigned to this particular user. FACEIO recommend that your rely on this Facial ID (which is automatically generated for each enrolled user on your application), if you plan to uniquely identify all enrolled users on your backend for example. The Facial ID is discussed in details here.
timestamp Timestamp (String) ISO 8601, enrollment completion date & time.
details Object An object with two fields: gender and age which respectively corresponds to the Gender and Age approximation of the enrolled user.


import faceIO from '@faceio/fiojs'

const faceio = new faceIO('app-public-id'); // Get the application Public ID at

function App() {
    return (
    <div className="App">
        <button onClick={enrollNewUser}>Enroll New User</button>

async function enrollNewUser() {
    const userInfo = await faceio.enroll({
    "locale": "auto", // Default user locale
    "payload": {
        /* The payload we want to associate with this particular user which is forwarded back to us upon future authentication of this user.*/
        "whoami": 123456, // Dummy ID linked to this particular user
        "email": ""

        `User Successfully Enrolled! Details:
        Unique Facial ID: ${userInfo.facialId}
        Enrollment Date: ${userInfo.timestamp}
        Gender: ${userInfo.details.gender}
        Age Approximation: ${userInfo.details.age}`

export default App;



const userInfo = await faceio
.authenticate({ parameters })
.catch(errCode => {
  /* handle the error */



auth(), recognize(), identify()


authenticate() takes a single, optional parameters object with the properties to be configured. The table below lists all possible properties of the parameters object:

Property Name Type Default Value Description
permissionTimeout Number 27 Seconds Total number of seconds to wait for the user to grant camera access permission. Passing this delay, the ongoing authenticate() operation is aborted and the promise is rejected with the fioErrCode.PERMISSION_REFUSED error code.
idleTimeout Number 27 Seconds Total number of seconds to wait before giving up if no faces were detected during the authentication process. Passing this delay, the ongoing operation is aborted and the promise is rejected with the fioErrCode.NO_FACES_DETECTED error code.
replyTimeout Number 40 Seconds Total number of seconds to wait before giving up if the remote FACEIO processing node does not return a response (a very unlikely scenario). Passing this delay, the ongoing operation is aborted and the promise is rejected with the fioErrCode.TIMEOUT error code.
locale String auto Default interaction language of the FACEIO Widget. If this value is missing or set to auto, then the interaction language will be deducted from the Accept-Language HTTP request header. Otherwise, just pass the BCP 47, two letter, language code of your choice (en, ar, es, ja, de, etc.). If the requested interaction language is not supported, the fallback, default interaction language is US English: en-us.


A Promise whose fulfillment handler receives a userData object when the user has successfully been identified. On failure, the promise is rejected with one of the possible error codes listed below.

The table below lists all fields of the userData object returned to your web application by authenticate() when its promise is fulfilled:

Property Name Type Description
payload Any The arbitrary data you have already linked (if any) to this particular user during his enrollment via the payload parameter of the enroll() method.
facialId UUID (String) The Universally Unique Identifier assigned to this particular user. FACEIO recommend that your rely on this Facial ID (which is automatically generated for each enrolled user on your application), if you plan to uniquely identify all enrolled users on your backend for example. The Facial ID is discussed in details here.


import faceIO from '@faceio/fiojs'

const faceio = new faceIO('app-public-id'); // Get the application Public ID at

function App() {
    return (
    <div className="App">
        <button onClick={authenticateUser}>Authenticate User</button>

async function authenticateUser() {
    const userData = await faceio.authenticate({
        "locale": "auto", // Default user locale
    console.log("Success, user identified")
    // Grab the facial ID linked to this particular user which will be same
    // for each of his successful future authentication. FACEIO recommend 
    // that your rely on this Facial ID if you plan to uniquely identify 
    // all enrolled users on your backend for example.
    console.log("Linked facial Id: " + userData.facialId)
    // Grab the arbitrary data you have already linked (if any) to this particular user
    // during his enrollment via the payload parameter of the enroll() method.
    console.log("Payload: " + JSON.stringify(userData.payload)) // {"whoami": 123456, "email": ""} from the enroll() example above

export default App;



const boolean = await faceio.restartSession({})




true if the request for a new session have been granted, and ready for another round of calls to enroll() or authenticate() for the same user. false otherwise.


‎ The table below lists all possible error codes that are returned from either the enroll() or the authenticate() methods when their promises are rejected respectively.

Error Code Description Effect on enroll() or authenticate()
fioErrCode.PERMISSION_REFUSED Access to the camera stream was denied by the end user. Ongoing operation is immediately aborted and control is transferred to the host
fioErrCode.TERMS_NOT_ACCEPTED Terms & Conditions set out by FACEIO/host application rejected by the end user. Ongoing operation is immediately aborted and control is transferred to the host
fioErrCode.SESSION_IN_PROGRESS Another authentication or enrollment operation is processing. This can happen when your application logic calls more than once enroll() or authenticate() due to poor UI implementation on your side (eg. User taps twice the same button triggering the facial authentication process). Starting with fio.js 1.9, it is possible now to restart the current user session without reloading the entire HTML page via simple call to the restartSession() method. Ongoing operation is still processing and the FACEIO Widget continue running. Your error handler routine should probably ignore this error code as the operation is still ongoing.
fioErrCode.FACE_DUPLICATION This error code is raised when the same user tries to enroll a second time on your application. That is, his facial features are already recorded due to previous enrollment, and can no longer enroll again due to the security settings: Prevent Same User from Enrolling Twice or More being activated. Ongoing enroll() operation is immediately aborted and control is transferred to the host application.
fioErrCode.TIMEOUT Ongoing operation timed out (eg, camera Access Permission, ToS Accept, Face not yet detected, Server Reply, etc.). Ongoing operation is immediately aborted and control is transferred to the host
fioErrCode.NO_FACES_DETECTED No faces were detected during the enroll or authentication process. Ongoing operation is immediately aborted and control is transferred to the host
fioErrCode.UNRECOGNIZED_FACE Unrecognized/unknown face on this application Facial Index. Ongoing operation is immediately aborted and control is transferred to the host
fioErrCode.MANY_FACES Two or more faces were detected during the enroll or authentication process. Ongoing operation is immediately aborted and control is transferred to the host
fioErrCode.PAD_ATTACK Presentation attack (PAD), better know as face spoofing attempt is detected during the authentication process. Ongoing operation is immediately aborted and control is transferred to the host
fioErrCode.UNIQUE_PIN_REQUIRED Supplied PIN Code must be unique among other PIN's on this application. This warning code is raised only from the enroll() method, and only if you have enabled the Enforce PIN Code Uniqueness Security Option. Ongoing enroll() operation is still processing until the user being enrolled input a unique PIN code.
fioErrCode.FACE_MISMATCH Calculated Facial Vectors of the user being enrolled do not matches. This error code is raised only from the enroll() method. Ongoing enroll() operation is immediately aborted and control is transferred to the host application.
fioErrCode.WRONG_PIN_CODE Wrong PIN Code supplied by the user being authenticated. This error code is raised only from the authenticate() method. Ongoing authenticate() operation is immediately aborted after three trials and control is transferred to the host application.
fioErrCode.NETWORK_IO Error while establishing network connection with the FACEIO processing node. Ongoing operation is immediately aborted and control is transferred to the host
fioErrCode.PROCESSING_ERR Server side error. Ongoing operation is immediately aborted and control is transferred to the host
fioErrCode.UNAUTHORIZED Your application is not allowed to perform the requested operation (eg. Invalid ID, Blocked, Paused, etc.). Refer to the FACEIO Console for additional information. Ongoing operation is immediately aborted and control is transferred to the host
fioErrCode.UI_NOT_READY The FACEIO fio.js library could not be injected onto the client DOM. Ongoing operation is immediately aborted and control is transferred to the host
fioErrCode.TOO_MANY_REQUESTS Widget instantiation requests exceeded for freemium applications. Does not apply for premium applications as fio.js instantiation is unmetered. Ongoing operation is immediately aborted and control is transferred to the host
fioErrCode.EMPTY_ORIGIN Origin or Referer HTTP request header is empty or missing while instantiating fio.js. This error is raised only if you have enforced the Reject Empty Origin Security Option. Ongoing operation is immediately aborted and control is transferred to the host
fioErrCode.FORBIDDDEN_ORIGIN Domain origin is forbidden from instantiating fio.js. This error is raised only if you have created a white list of authorized domain names via the FACEIO Console. Ongoing operation is immediately aborted and control is transferred to the host
fioErrCode.FORBIDDDEN_COUNTRY Country ISO-3166-1 Code is forbidden from instantiating fio.js. This error is raised only if you have created a white list of authorized countries via the FACEIO Console. Ongoing operation is immediately aborted and control is transferred to the host


import faceIO from '@faceio/fiojs'

const faceio = new faceIO('app-public-id');

function App() {
    return (
    <div className="App">
        <button onClick={enrollNewUser}>Enroll New User</button>
        <button onClick={authenticateUser}>Authenticate User</button>

async function enrollNewUser() {
    const userInfo = await faceio.enroll({
    "locale": "auto", // Default user locale
    "payload": {
        /* The payload we want to associate with this particular user which is forwarded back to us upon future authentication of this user.*/
        "whoami": 123456, // Dummy ID linked to this particular user
        "email": ""

        `User Successfully Enrolled! Details:
        Unique Facial ID: ${userInfo.facialId}
        Enrollment Date: ${userInfo.timestamp}
        Gender: ${userInfo.details.gender}
        Age Approximation: ${userInfo.details.age}`
async function authenticateUser() {
    const userData = await faceio.authenticate({
        "locale": "auto", // Default user locale
    console.log("Success, user identified")
    // Grab the facial ID linked to this particular user which will be same
    // for each of his successful future authentication. FACEIO recommend 
    // that your rely on this Facial ID if you plan to uniquely identify 
    // all enrolled users on your backend for example.
    console.log("Linked facial Id: " + userData.facialId)
    // Grab the arbitrary data you have already linked (if any) to this particular user
    // during his enrollment via the payload parameter of the enroll() method.
    console.log("Payload: " + JSON.stringify(userData.payload)) // {"whoami": 123456, "email": ""} from the enroll() example above

export default App;

Further Reading

Finally, for additional information & to learn more about implementing FACEIO on your website or web application, please refer to the following documents:

  • Getting Started Tutorial: Learn the fundamentals about implementing facial authentication on a typical web application.
  • Integration Guide: Learn how to implement fio.js, our facial recognition library on your website.
  • Developer Center: Code samples, documentation, support channels, and all the resources yo need to implement FACEIO on your website.
  • Frequently Asked Questions: Get instant answers to the most common questions.
  • Trust Center: Learn how we handle your data securely and in compliance with privacy and legal requirements.