- React v18
- Bootstrap v5.2
- Typescript v4.7.4
- Golang v1.19
- OpenAPI v3
docker-compose up -d
Open web browser to visit:
- Web UI: http://localhost:3000/
- email: tack@example.com
- password: 123456
- PGAdmin: http://localhost:8081/
- username: admin@example.com
- password: postgres
- SwaggerUI: http://localhost:8082/
- docker & docker-compose installed ready https://www.docker.com/
- soda cli installed ready https://gobuffalo.io/documentation/database/soda/
- firebase auth account https://firebase.google.com/firebase/authentication
- Edit database.yml with your database config
- Edit .env file (you may refer to example.env)
soda create -e development
soda migrate up
- Create a free firebase account
- Create a new project
- Click on Build -> Authentication -> Get Started
- Enable Email/Password providers
- Go to Project Overview -> Project Settings -> Service accounts
- Generate new Private Key
- Copy your downloaded private key to the project and name it as service-account-file.json
- Go to firebase create a new web app
- Copy the firebase config to .env (Refer to example.env file)