A Scala wrapper around Pygments based on GraalVM's Python Runtime
GraalVM with support for Python must be used as the Java runtime
gu install python
Create a Python environment for scala-pygments
graalpython -m venv ${JAVA_HOME}/languages/python/scala-pygments/
Install Pygments in the new environment
${JAVA_HOME}/languages/python/scala-pygments/bin/pip install Pygments
libraryDependencies ++=
"io.taig" %%% "scala-pygments-core" % "x.y.z" ::
"io.taig" %% "scala-pygments-graalvm-python" % "x.y.z" ::
"io.taig" %% "scala-pygments-cli" % "x.y.z" ::
Currently, this library only exposes a single method, allowing to tokenize source code with a specific lexer.
import cats.effect.{IO, IOApp}
import io.taig.pygments.GraalVmPythonPygments
object App extends IOApp.Simple {
val python = s"${System.getenv("JAVA_HOME")}/languages/python/scala-pygments/bin/python"
override def run: IO[Unit] =
.use(_.tokenize("Scala", """println("Hello world!")"""))
sbt> run
List(Fragment(Name(None),'println'), Fragment(Punctuation,'('), Fragment(Literal(String(None)),'"Hello world!"'), Fragment(Punctuation,')'), Fragment(Text(None),'\n'))
> benchmarks/Jmh/run -wi 10 -i 5 -f1 -t4
[info] Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
[info] CliTokenizeBenchmark.tokenizeLong thrpt 5 12,419 ± 0,469 ops/s
[info] CliTokenizeBenchmark.tokenizeMedium thrpt 5 16,245 ± 0,643 ops/s
[info] CliTokenizeBenchmark.tokenizeShort thrpt 5 16,699 ± 0,391 ops/s
[info] GraalVmPythonDefaultTokenizeBenchmark.tokenizeLong thrpt 5 0,958 ± 0,063 ops/s
[info] GraalVmPythonDefaultTokenizeBenchmark.tokenizeMedium thrpt 5 24,724 ± 0,239 ops/s
[info] GraalVmPythonDefaultTokenizeBenchmark.tokenizeShort thrpt 5 625,756 ± 24,527 ops/s
[info] GraalVmPythonPooledTokenizeBenchmark.tokenizeLong thrpt 5 1,475 ± 0,375 ops/s
[info] GraalVmPythonPooledTokenizeBenchmark.tokenizeMedium thrpt 5 87,482 ± 1,239 ops/s
[info] GraalVmPythonPooledTokenizeBenchmark.tokenizeShort thrpt 5 2374,671 ± 32,192 ops/s