Manage your Kubernetes cluster easily
✅ Next JS (Backend)
✅ TailwindCSS (Dashboard)
✅ Kysely (ORM)
✅ SQLite (Database)
Follow these steps to clone the repository and start the development server:
git clone
Then install dependencies:
npm install
Create a .env.local file by copying the example environment file:
cp env.example.txt .env.local
Add the required environment variables to the .env.local file.
Then run the project:
npm run dev
You should now be able to access the application at http://localhost:3000.
To migrate execute the following commands
npm i -D tsx
The run the following
npm run migrate
If you are using a local cluster, you can get the token by running the following command
microk8s kubectl create token default
Query resource types
- Deployments
- Pods
- Nodes
- Volumes
- Namespaces
- Services
Edit resource types
- Deployments
- Pods
- Volumes
- Namespaces
- Services
Delete resource types
- Deployments
- Pods
- Volumes
- Namespaces
- Services
Create resource types
- Deployments
- Pods
- Volumes
- Namespaces
- Services
- Whhat kinds of stats should we show
- Show the stats
- Deployment docs
- Installation docs
Thank you for considering contributing to k8s project
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K8-way is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.