Full stack web application with the following features
- Registration, Login and logout.
- Image uploading, deleting and a like feature.
- Profile editing which including: Edit profile picture, name and about.
Used technologies
- Node & Express.
- MongoDB & Mongoose & MongoDB-Atlas.
Third party libraries: cors, limiter, helmet, jwt, celebrate, and joi.
Used technologies
- React & CSS3 & Node.JS.
Used technologies
- Vercel's serverless technology.
- Back-end: While we are in the remote server, pulling the repository from the main branch and restarting the PM2 engine.
- Front-End: Building the app locally using
npm run build
and then copy the files to our remote server via SSH connection.
- ES6 JavaScript syntax.
- Test-Driven-Development.
- REST api implementation.
- Asynchronous programming.
- OOP & Component-Oriented-Programming.
- Centralized error handling for the back end.
- BEM methodology in the css classification for each component.