Orbital 2021
Proposed Level of Achievement: Artemis
By: Alvin Tay & Tan De Shao.
NUSRoutes is a web app with an intuitively clear and concise UI for NUS Shuttle Bus Services, including a route recommendation feature.
- Route recommendation of shortest bus route from one place to another within NUS.
- Proximity Alarm.
- Nearest Bus Stops.
- Arrival Time of busses.
- Bus services infographic.
Route recommendation
- Manual route planning with NUSNextBUS is a thing of the past.
- Let NUSRoutes do it for you!
Proximity Alarm
- Tired and want to take a quick nap?
- NUSRoutes got you covered and notifies when your destination is nearing.
Web app
- No download required!
- Runs on the browser and is cross-platform.
Elegant and intuitive user interface
- A few clicks is all it takes.
- We put in our best effort to make NUSRoutes modern yet super intuitive.
- Clone the github repo.
- There are three folders, Client, server and Telegram.
- For each folder, run “npm install” to install the required dependencies.
- Create a .env file in each folder. Include these details (Your own credentials)
- Client (Firebase):
- Server (Google Map API):
- Server => repo folder (Google Map API):
- Same as above, API_KEY and AUTH_KEY
- Client (Firebase):
- To run locally:
- Client: npm start
- Server: node server.js
- Telegram:
- Open git bash
- cd to Telegram folder
- $ BOT_TOKEN='TOKEN' npm start
- Replace 'TOKEN' with the API Token of your bot
- For deployment, Vercel was used to deploy the Client (Frontend). Heroku was used to deploy the server (backend) and Telegram.