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a simple example to show how to add internationalization to an angular app using the ngx-translate library


  • internationalization (i18n) is the process of designing and preparing your project for use in different locales around the world
  • localization (l10n) is the process of building different versions of your project for different locales
  • locale is a region where people speak a particular language or language variant


  • to internationalize our angular application, we need to localize it first. localization requires separating the content that is configurable and can be translated
  • by creating key value pairs in the languages our application would support, we can localize the application to use different translation (JSON) files. e.g. en.json for English, fr.json for French, ar.json for Arabic etc.
  • internationalization is setting up the app’s module to use the translation files. we will do this with the help of a third-party library ngx-translate e.g. {{ ‘phone’ | translate }}
  • once set up, all fields/validation messages/button text in our application’s HTML pages won’t be hardcoded. they will be replaced with a translate pipe. for any text that needs to be configured, the key’s value would have to be updated in the translation files which would then reflect on frontend


  • web accessibility: internationalizing your application makes it accessible to users from any culture, region or language
  • code abstraction: change in one place (key-value pairs file) reflects in all places used
  • supports bidirectional text: helpful when translating from left to right languages like English to right to left languages like Arabic

setup workspace

1. install or upgrade node version

node -v  
npm --version
  • to upgrade (on mac), run in terminal:
sudo npm cache clean -f
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n stable

2. install angular cli

sudo npm install -g @angular/cli

3. create workspace

ng new angular-app
cd angular-app
ng serve

4. install ngx-translate
since we need the npm modules for translation and for loading translation files through http, run in terminal:

npm i @ngx-translate/core
npm i @ngx-translate/http-loader

5. create i18n folder
create a folder called i18n within the assets folder. this will hold json files for different translations as key-value pairs.

src > assets > i18n > en.json, ar.json, fr.json, hi.json
en.json could be 
  "hello": "Hello",
  "descr": "This is a test"

setup app module

  1. in app.module.ts, import the following packages to use ngx-translate library
import { TranslateModule, TranslateLoader } from "@ngx-translate/core";
import { TranslateHttpLoader } from "@ngx-translate/http-loader";
import { HttpClient } from "@angular/common/http";
  1. in app.module.ts, create a custom TranslateLoader which needs to be an export function for AoT compilation
  export function HttpLoaderFactory(http: HttpClient){
	  return new TranslateHttpLoader(http, './assets/i18n/', '.json');
  1. in app.module.ts, import TranslateModule (and HttpClientModule if not already done so) in @NgModule with the loader specs shown below
imports: [
// ...
	loader: {
		provide: TranslateLoader,
		useFactory: HttpLoaderFactory,
		deps: [HttpClient]
// ...

setup app component

  1. in app.component.ts, import the TranslateService API
import { TranslateService } from "@ngx-translate/core";
  1. add parameter to constructor and set default language to English
constructor(private translateService: TranslateService){
	// fallback when translation not found in current lang
	// current language to use

how to use

  1. in html, translation values can be pulled using the translate pipe so if en.json was
  "hello": "Hello"

then passing the key through the translate pipe in html elements retrieves the translation value

<h1>{{ 'hello' | translate }}</h1>
  1. to support multiple translations, add a function in app.component.ts to change the language currently being used
changeLanguage(lang: string){

and then add buttons to switch between languages in app.component.html

<buttton (click)="changeLanguage('hi')">Hindi</button>
<buttton (click)="changeLanguage('en')">English</button>
  1. results when english/hindi buttons are clicked


