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@sergos sergos released this 26 Dec 12:12
· 274 commits to master since this release


Date: 2023-12-26
Tag: 3.0.0


3.0.0 is the first stable version of the 3.0 release
series. It introduces 65 improvements and resolves 38 bugs since

The "stable" label means that we have all planned features implemented and we
see no high-impact issues. However, if you encounter an issue, feel free to
report it on GitHub.


Tarantool 3.x is backward compatible with Tarantool 2.11.x in the binary data
layout, client-server protocol, and replication protocol.

Please upgrade using the box.schema.upgrade() procedure to unlock
all the new features of the 3.x series.

Functionality added or changed


  • Now contains the following methods, similar to the
    key_def Lua module: extract_key(), compare(), compare_with_key(),
    merge() (gh-7356).
  • Introduced the box.watch_once() function to get the value currently
    associated with a notification key on the local instance without subscribing
    to future changes (gh-6493).
  • Introduced the new IPROTO_WATCH_ONCE request to get the value currently
    associated with a notification key on a remote instance without subscribing
    to future changes (gh-6493).
  • Introduced the conn:watch_once() connection method to get the value
    currently associated with a notification key on a remote instance without
    subscribing to future changes. The new method is implemented using the
    IPROTO_WATCH_ONCE request type (gh-6493).
  • Introduced the default field values in the space format (gh-8157).
  • Added support for functional variant of the default field values (gh-8609).
  • box.schema can now be accessed before box.cfg().
  • Introduced new methods tuple:info() and space:stat() with the detailed
    information on memory consumed by data (gh-6762).
  • Introduced the new built-in system event box.wal_error that is broadcast
    whenever Tarantool fails to commit a transaction to the write-ahead log
  • Introduced transaction-related events box.before_commit, box.on_commit,
    and box.on_rollback for the new trigger registry. One of the main advantages
    of the new triggers is that they can be set for all transactions rather than
    setting them within each transaction (gh-5717, gh-8656).


  • Added memtx read view statistics to box.stat.memtx() (gh-8501).


  • Introduced the memory.tuple statistic for box.stat.vinyl() that shows
    the total size of memory occupied by all tuples allocated by the Vinyl engine


  • Added a new bootstrap_leader configuration option to specify the node from
    which a replica should bootstrap. To do this, set box.cfg.bootstrap_strategy
    to 'config' and set bootstrap_leader value to either the URI or UUID of
    the desired bootstrap leader. For example:

          bootstrap_strategy = 'config',
          bootstrap_leader = 'localhost:3301',
          replication = {
          listen = '3302',


  • You may now control which node new replicas choose as a bootstrap leader
    without touching node config. To do so, set box.cfg.bootstrap_strategy to
    'supervised', and the nodes will only bootstrap off the node on which you
    called box.ctl.make_bootstrap_leader() last.
    This works on an empty replica set bootstrap as well: start the admin console
    before configuring the nodes. Then configure the nodes:

        bootstrap_strategy = 'supervised',
        replication = ...,
        listen = ...,

    Finally, call box.ctl.make_bootstrap_leader() through the admin console
    on the node you want to promote. All the nodes will bootstrap off that node

  • A new option box.cfg.cluster_name allows assigning a human-readable name to
    the entire cluster. It has to match in all instances and is displayed in (gh-5029).

  • A new option box.cfg.replicaset_name allows assigning a human-readable name
    to the replica set. It works the same as box.cfg.replicaset_uuid. Its value
    must be the same across all instances of one replica set. The replica set name
    is displayed in (gh-5029).

  • A new option box.cfg.instance_name allows assigning a human-readable name to
    the instance. It works the same as box.cfg.instance_uuid. Its value must be
    unique in the replica set. The instance name is displayed in
    Names of other replicas in the same replica set are visible in[id].name (gh-5029).

  • Instance at rebootstrap can change its UUID while keeping its numeric ID if it
    has the same non-empty instance name (gh-5029).

  • Added the ability to set the bootstrap_leader configuration option to the
    instance name of the desired bootstrap leader:

          bootstrap_strategy = 'config',
          bootstrap_leader = 'leader-name',
          replication = {

    (gh-7999, gh-8539).


  • LuaJIT now can handle exceptions on traces (gh-7745).


  • [Breaking change] Added the new varbinary type to Lua. An object of
    this type is similar to a plain string but encoded in MsgPack as MP_BIN so
    it can be used for storing binary blobs in the database. This also works the
    other way round: data fields stored as MP_BIN are now decoded in Lua as
    varbinary objects, not as plain strings, as they used to be. Since the latter
    may cause compatibility issues, the new compat option binary_data_decoding
    was introduced to revert the built-in decoder to the old behavior (gh-1629).
  • Introduced the new Lua module trigger. This module enables managing and
    calling triggers stored in trigger registry (gh-8656).
  • Triggers from space_object, box.session, and box.ctl were moved to
    the trigger registry (gh-8657).
  • Introduced a new event 'tarantool.trigger.on_change' in the trigger registry.
    It is called when any event in the trigger registry is modified (gh-8664).
  • Introduced helpers for encoding and decoding IPROTO packets in Lua (gh-8054).
  • Any callable object can now be registered as a trigger (gh-6484).
  • All triggers are now provided with optional names (gh-8659).
  • Introduced the login and password fields in uri.parse() (gh-9435).


  • Improved error reporting for msgpack.decode. Now, an error raised by
    mgpack.decode has a detailed error message and the offset in the input
    data. If msgpack.decode failed to unpack a MsgPack extension, it also
    includes the error cause pointing to the error in the extension data


  • Introduced the new module function from_fd for creating a new
    connection from a socket file descriptor number (gh-8984).


  • Introduced new option inherit_fds for The option takes
    an array of file descriptor numbers that should be left open in the child
    process (gh-8926).


  • Introduced new socket functions socket.socketpair, socket.from_fd, and
    socket:detach (gh-8927).


  • Introduced the xlog.meta() method for reading a meta block from an xlog


  • [Breaking change] The DROP CONSTRAINT statement has been
    improved (gh-9112).
  • [Breaking change] Names in SQL are now case-sensitive. To support backward
    compatibility, a second lookup using a name normalized using the old rules is
    added (gh-4467).
  • [Breaking change] SQL now uses the BOX mechanism for default
    values (gh-8793).
  • Introduced the SHOW CREATE TABLE statement (gh-8098).
  • SHOW CREATE TABLE no longer supports the DEFAULT clause (gh-8793).
  • SQL_EXPR functions can now be set as a default value (gh-8793).
  • A literal set as the default value can no longer have a + or - sign unless
    the literal is numeric (gh-8793).


  • [Breaking change] Dropped support for IPROTO_CALL16 from
    (i.e., the call_16 option and the call_16 method for
    connections) (gh-8636).
  • [Breaking change] Disabled argument list syntax of (this
    was needed for gh-4693). It is possible to switch to the old behavior using
    the compatibility option box_tuple_new_vararg.
  • [Breaking change] Introduced the new sql object type for
    box.schema.user.grant. Now only users with the 'execute' privilege
    granted on sql or universe can execute SQL expressions with the
    IPROTO_EXECUTE or IPROTO_PREPARE requests. To revert to the old behavior
    (no SQL access checks), use the sql_priv compat option (gh-8803).
  • Non-system spaces in a snapshot file are now sorted by their IDs.
    As before, all non-system spaces are stored after system spaces (gh-7954).
  • Added support for square brackets in procedure resolution for Lua calls
  • Added support for accepting IPROTO requests with a space or index name instead
    of an identifier (gh-8146).
  • Added a new parameter hostname (gh-8605).
  • Added the box.cfg.memtx_sort_threads parameter that specifies the number of
    threads used to sort indexes keys on loading a memtx database. OpenMP is
    not used to sort keys anymore (gh-3389).
  • Changed the output of the fselect index method from a table of strings to
    a multi-line string and dropped the print and use_nbsp options. With the
    yaml_pretty_multiline compat option enabled by default, multi-line strings
    now look good in the console, so there's no need to return a table of strings
    to prettify the fselect output anymore.
  • Allowed multiple updates to the same tuple field in a single call (gh-8226).
  • Introduced box.tuple.format that enables format definition for tuples
    created via (standalone tuples) (gh-4693).
  • Introduced a declarative server and cluster configuration (gh-8724, gh-8861,
    gh-8862, gh-8967, gh-8978, gh-9007, gh-9078, gh-9431, gh-9432, gh-9452,
    gh-9485, gh-9497, gh-9506).
  • Sped up and index.pairs with the after option by up to 30%
    in a synthetic test by eliminating an extra buffer allocation.
  • The function box.session.push is now deprecated. Consider using
    box.broadcast instead (gh-8802).
  • Introduced the new function for creating a new IPROTO
    session from a socket file descriptor number (gh-8801).
  • Introduced the new lua_eval and lua_call object types for
    box.schema.user.grant. Granting the 'execute' privilege on lua_eval
    allows the user to execute an arbitrary Lua expression with the
    IPROTO_EVAL request. Granting the 'execute' privilege on lua_call
    allows the user to execute a global user-defined Lua function with
    the IPROTO_CALL request (gh-8803, gh-9360).
  • Added the leader_name field to (gh-8931).
  • Now it is possible to specify the sort order for each part of an index
  • Added support for sending tuple formats in IPROTO responses. Added a
    box_tuple_extension backward compatibility option to disable sending
    tuple formats in responses to IPROTO call and eval requests (gh-8146).
  • Added support for sending tuple formats in IPROTO call and eval request
    arguments. box_tuple_extension backward compatibility option can be used to
    disable receiving tuple formats in IPROTO call and eval request arguments
  • Added a new is_sync parameter to box.atomic(). To make the transaction
    synchronous, set the is_sync option to true. Setting is_sync = false is
    prohibited. If any value other than true/nil is set, for example
    is_sync = "some string", then an error will be thrown (gh-8650).


  • [Behavior change] Disabled starting the Lua REPL by default when running
    Tarantool. Now, Tarantool yields the message that shows the command usage.
    To run the Lua REPL, just set the -i flag. To pass a Lua script contents via
    stdin, use dash (-) as the script name. For more information see a help
    message by running tarantool -h (gh-8613).
  • Introduced new command-line options --name and --config (gh-8613).
  • Added the new --force-recovery CLI option (gh-8876).


  • The following compatibility options' defaults were switched to new behavior:

    • yaml_pretty_multiline
    • sql_seq_scan_default
    • json_escape_forward_slash
    • fiber_channel_close_mode
    • fiber_slice_default
    • box_cfg_replication_sync_timeout
    • c_func_iproto_multireturn

    More information on the new behavior can be found on the Module compat page.


  • Now multiline commands can be used by setting the continuation marker
    using the \set continuation command.


  • Exported fiber_set_name_n, fiber_name, fiber_id, fiber_csw and
    fiber_find into the public C API and usable via FFI as well.
  • Make fiber_set_joinable, fiber_set_ctx and fiber_get_ctx
    treat the NULL argument as the current fiber.


  • Introduces space type: a new space definition field.
  • Introduces the fully temporary space type. It is the same as data-temporary
    but also has temporary metadata. Temporary spaces can now be created in
    read_only mode, they disappear after server restart and don't exist on
    replicas (gh-8323).


  • Tarantool does not depend on libgomp anymore (gh-7689).
  • Added building static deb and rpm packages.
  • Dropped building distro-specific deb and rpm Tarantool packages.
  • Dropped building Tarantool packages with GC32. Now only GC64 packages
    are shipped.
  • Exported all LuaJIT public functions from Tarantool binary (gh-3680).



  • Added a grammar-based SQL fuzzer (gh-4826).

Bugs fixed


  • [Breaking change] The key['cluster'] is renamed to
    'replicaset_uuid'. That is not expected to be breaking because _schema is
    an internal system space, but the key was visible in public and documented
  • [Breaking change] The table is renamed to The behavior can be reverted using the compat option
    ( (gh-5029).
  • Fixed decoding of escape sequences for single-byte character codes from YAML.
    Before the fix, single-byte character codes between 0x80 and 0xff would
    be erroneously converted to two-byte UTF-8 code points, for example, \x80
    would be decoded as \uC280 (gh-8782).
  • Now always contains false rather than
    null when it is actually false (gh-8649).
  • Now the "Type Ctrl-C to exit Tarantool" message is displayed when a local
    console is exited, but background fibers are running (gh-7017).
  • Decremented the max space id (box.schema.SPACE_MAX). Now, the max space id
    equals 2147483646. The limit was decremented because the old value is used as
    an error indicator in the box C API. It's still possible to revert to the old
    behavior with the compatibility module option box_space_max (gh-9118).
  • The tarantool -v output and string now include
    build type-specific and LTO flags if any (gh-8022).
  • Fixed a possible inconsistent state entering if fibers are joined incorrectly.
    Now the fiber_set_joinable function panics if the fiber is dead or joined
    already. The fiber_join and fiber_join_timeout functions now panic on a
    double join if it is possible to detect it (gh-7562).
  • Fixed a bug when on_rollback trigger functions were invoked with an empty
    iterator argument if a transaction was aborted by a fiber yield or by a
    timeout (gh-9340).
  • Fixed a bug when on_rollback triggers were not invoked during a rollback
    to a savepoint (gh-7810).
  • Fixed a bug when the assertion in box_wait_limbo_acked would fail. The
    assertion is that the lsn of the last entry in limbo is always positive after
    wal_sync. Before the patch, if the replication_synchro_quorum was set too
    high on the replica, it would never be reached. After the timeout was
    triggered, the user received a TimedOut error. If the quorum was greater
    than or equal to the number of instances in the replica set, the program
    immediately stopped with a segmentation fault (gh-9235).
  • Fixed a bug when the assertion in box_promote_qsync would fail in the
    debug build mode. The assertion is that at the moment when box_promote_qsync
    is called, no other promote is being executed. It turned out that this
    assertion is basically incorrect. In the release build mode, this incorrect
    assumption could potentially lead to writing 2 PROMOTE entries in the same
    term (gh-9263).


  • Fixed a bug that allowed to change a replica set UUID via the _schema space.
  • Fixed a bug when new instances could try to register via an anon instance
    which previously failed to apply box.cfg{replication_anon = false}.
  • Fixed a bug when box.ctl.demote() with box.cfg{election_mode = 'off'}
    and an owned synchro queue could simply not do anything (gh-6860).
  • Fixed anonymous replicas not receiving the synchronous transaction queue state
    during join (gh-9401).
  • Now transactions are not rolled back if the transaction fiber is
    cancelled when waiting for a quorum from replicas (gh-9480).


Backported patches from the vanilla LuaJIT trunk (gh-8825). The following issues
were fixed as part of this activity:

  • Fixed frame for on-trace OOM handling.
    Backported patches from the vanilla LuaJIT trunk (gh-9145). The following issues
    were fixed as part of this activity:

  • Fixed error handling after return from a child coroutine.

  • Fixed clashing of addresses in the __call metamethod return dispatch (again).

  • Fixed the assembling for the head of the side trace (gh-8767).

  • Prevented compilation of __concat methamethod with tailcall to fast

  • Fixed buffer overflow in parsing the #pragma directive via FFI (gh-9339).
    Now the error is thrown when more than 6 alignment settings are pushed on the
    internal stack.

  • Fixed incorrect fold rule for x - (-0) on trace (for x = -0 the result
    should be 0).

  • Fixed output for IR_CONV in jit.dump().

  • Fixed math.min()/math.max() inconsistencies for x86/x86_64 architectures
    when called with a NaN argument or -0 and 0.

  • Fixed math.ceil(x) result sign for -1 < x < 0.5.

  • Errors from gc finalizers are now printed instead of being rethrown.

  • Fixed lua_concat().

  • Fixed possible storing of NaN keys to table on trace.

  • Fixed ABC FOLD optimization with constants.

  • Marked CONV as non-weak, to prevent invalid control flow path choice.

  • Fixed CSE of a REF_BASE operand across IR_RETF.

  • Fixed the fold rule for BUFHDR APPEND.

  • Fixed HREFK, ALOAD, HLOAD, forwarding vs. table.clear().

  • Fixed snapshot PC when linking to BC_JLOOP that was a BC_RET*.

  • Fixed dangling references to CType.

  • Ensured returned string is alive in ffi.typeinfo().

  • Fixed the missing initialization of the internal structure, leading to a
    crash when recording a trace with an allocation of cdata.


  • The default permission mode for was changed for newly
    created files to 0666 (before umask) (gh-7981).


  • Fixed a Use-After-Free vulnerability in the WITH RECURSIVE clause
  • A space no longer loses a default value after
  • Fixed a bug when an incorrect query result could be returned if tables
    participated in a join and their names met certain conditions. The bug was
    added in version 3.0.0-beta1 in issue gh-4467 (gh-9445).
  • Fixed a memory leak when an error occurred in SELECT with a GROUP BY
    expression (gh-8535, ghs-125).
  • Fixed a crash when a decimal literal representing a decimal number greater
    than or equal to 10^38 was parsed in SQL (gh-9469).


  • [Breaking change] The cord_slab_cache symbol was removed from the public
    API export (gh-7124).
  • All DDL functions from the box.schema module are now wrapped into a
    transaction to avoid database inconsistency on failed operations (gh-4348).
  • [Breaking change] box.schema.user.grant() now raises an error on
    an attempt to grant the execute privilege on a space. Historically,
    this action was allowed although it had no effect. It's still possible
    to revert to the old behavior with the new compatibility option
    box_space_execute_priv (gh-9277).
  • Fixed the ability to drop _vinyl_deferred_delete system space (gh-5279).
  • Fixed a bug when it was not possible to access spaces named _stream and
    _stream_space_cache and indexes named _space using the stream
    objects (gh-8598).
  • Added a check that disables setting box.cfg and log.cfg options to
    infinite numbers (NaN, Inf). Setting a box.cfg or log.cfg option to
    an infinite number could result in a crash or invalid behavior (gh-4962).
  • Fixed a bug when local references to a space object got out of sync with the
    space on the space drop rollback (gh-9120).
  • Fixed a very rare bug when a function deletion could cause an inconsistent
    state of the database (gh-9426).
  • Now box.cfg() correctly interprets the TT_LISTEN and TT_REPLICATION
    environment variables with query parameters (gh-9539).


  • Fixed a crash on garbage collection of httpc objects (gh-9283).
  • Fixed a crash due to a race in GC finalizers (gh-9346).
  • Fixed behavior of GC-finalizer of HTTP client Lua object when chunked HTTP
    request is alive. (gh-9453).


  • Updated libcurl to version 8.4.0.