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Targito API implementation for PHP 7.2+

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The api is accessed by creating a new instance of \Targito\Api\TargitoApi and providing correct credentials.


use Targito\Api\TargitoApi;

$api = new TargitoApi($credentials);

// do stuff with api

Obtaining credentials

The credentials are provided using an object that implements the \Targito\Api\Credentials\CredentialsInterface.

By default there are two such classes, \Targito\Api\Credentials\Credentials and \Targito\Api\Credentials\EnvironmentCredentials.

The Credentials class accepts your account id and api password as its constructor parameters, while the EnvironmentCredentials gets them from environment variables (by default TARGITO_ACCOUNT_ID and TARGITO_API_PASSWORD).


use Targito\Api\TargitoApi;
use Targito\Api\Credentials\Credentials;
use Targito\Api\Credentials\EnvironmentCredentials;

// provide the credentials in constructor
$credentials = new Credentials('my-account-id', 'my-api-password');
$api = new TargitoApi($credentials);

// get them automatically from environment variables using default TARGITO_ACCOUNT_ID and TARGITO_API_PASSWORD variables
$credentials = new EnvironmentCredentials();
$api = new TargitoApi($credentials);

// customize the environment variables
$credentials = new EnvironmentCredentials('MY_CUSTOM_ACCOUNT_ID_VARIABLE', 'MY_CUSTOM_API_PASSWORD_VARIABLE');
$api = new TargitoApi($credentials);

Making requests

The HTTP requests are made using an object implementing \Targito\Api\Http\HttpRequestInterface.

There are two classes implementing the interface, \Targito\Api\Http\Request\CurlHttpRequest and \Targito\Api\Http\Request\StreamHttpRequest.

If you don't provide an object for http requests, default one is used based on your php settings - if you have the curl extension enabled CurlHttpRequest is used, StreamHttpRequest otherwise.

Note that CurlHttpRequest should be always used if possible as the StreamHttpRequest is just a fallback implementation.

Note: The interface is considered semi-internal - if you provide your own implementation, be aware that there may be new methods added regularly which will break your implementation. Otherwise backward compatibility is maintained.

The TargitoApi class contains methods for accessing individual API modules (e.g. contacts, transactions etc.) which in turn contain methods for making the API requests.


use Targito\Api\TargitoApi;
use Targito\Api\Credentials\EnvironmentCredentials;
use Targito\Api\DTO\Request\Contact\DeleteContactRequest;

// get credentials from env variables and use the default http request implementation
$api = new TargitoApi(new EnvironmentCredentials());

// get the contacts API module
$contactsApi = $api->contacts();

$result = $contactsApi->deleteContact(DeleteContactRequest::fromArray([
    'id' => 'contact_id',
    'origin' => 'contact_origin'

echo $result->jobId;

Each api method accepts the data as either an array or the respective DTO object. Each DTO object can also be created from array. These all are valid and functionally equal:


use Targito\Api\TargitoApi;
use Targito\Api\Credentials\EnvironmentCredentials;
use Targito\Api\DTO\Request\Contact\DeleteContactRequest;

$api = new TargitoApi(new EnvironmentCredentials());

// provide data as array
    'id' => 'contact_id',
    'origin' => 'contact_origin'

// create the DeleteContactRequest from array
    'id' => 'contact_id',
    'origin' => 'contact_origin'

// create the DeleteContactRequest manually
$deleteRequest = new DeleteContactRequest();
$deleteRequest->id = 'contact_id';
$deleteRequest->origin = 'contact_origin';


Each method returns a response specific to the method (e.g. AddContactResponse, DeleteContactResponse etc.). See individual classes for list of available properties.



The module is accessed by calling contacts() on the api object or constructing \Targito\Api\Endpoint\TargitoContactEndpoint manually.


  • addContact
    • request data: \Targito\Api\DTO\Request\Contact\AddContactRequest
    • properties:
      • string email - the email of the contact you're adding
      • string origin - the contact origin
      • bool isOptedIn - whether the contact is opted in
      • bool forbidReOptIn (optional) - whether to forbid opting in again if the contact is already in database and is opted out
      • bool forceDoubleReOptIn (optional) - whether to force opting in if the contact is already in the database
      • array consents (optional) - string array containing list of consents the contact has given
      • array columns (optional) - any additional columns (which must be defined in Targito), where the array key is the column name
    • return value:
      • class: \Targito\Api\DTO\Response\Contact\AddContactResponse
      • properties:
        • string id - the ID of the contact
        • bool isOptedIn - whether the contact is opted in
        • bool isOptedOut - whether the contact is opted out
        • bool isNew - whether the contact is newly created or it existed before
        • object previousState - if the contact existed previously, this property will be instance of \Targito\Api\DTO\Contact\AddContactHistory otherwise null.
          • AddContactHistory contains these properties: bool isOptedIn and bool isOptedOut
  • addContactWithCheck
    • request data: \Targito\Api\DTO\Request\Contact\AddContactWithCheckRequest
    • properties:
      • same properties as for addContact
      • string contactListId - UUID of a contact list to check whether the contact is already present in
      • string isInContactListMailingId - UUID of a transact message to send to a contact that is already present in the contact list in contactListId
    • return value:
      • class: \Targito\Api\DTO\Response\Contact\AddContactWithCheckResponse
      • properties:
        • same properties as for addContact
        • bool isInContactList - whether the contact was in the contact list specified in request or not
  • editContact
    • request data: \Targito\Api\DTO\Request\Contact\EditContactRequest
    • properties:
      • string email - the email of the contact you're editing
      • string origin - the contact origin
      • bool isOptedIn (optional) - whether the contact is opted in
      • array consents (optional) - string array containing list of consents the contact has given
      • array columns (optional) - any additional columns (which must be defined in Targito), where the array key is the column name
    • return value:
      • class: \Targito\Api\DTO\Response\Contact\EditContactResponse
      • properties:
        • bool success - whether the editing succeeded or not
  • deleteContact
    • request data: \Targito\Api\DTO\Request\Contact\DeleteContactRequest
    • properties:
      • string id - the contact ID
      • string origin - the contact origin
    • return value:
      • class: \Targito\Api\DTO\Response\Contact\DeleteContactResponse
      • properties:
        • string jobId - the ID of the job that will perform the deletion
  • optOutContact
    • request data: \Targito\Api\DTO\Request\Contact\OptOutContactRequest
    • properties:
      • string email - the email of the contact you're deleting
      • string origin - the contact origin
    • return value:
      • class: \Targito\Api\DTO\Response\Contact\OptOutContactResponse
      • properties:
        • bool success - whether opting out succeeded or not
  • exportContactById
    • request data: \Targito\Api\DTO\Request\Contact\ExportContactByIdRequest
    • properties:
      • string id - the contact ID
      • string origin - the contact origin
    • return value:
      • class: \Targito\Api\DTO\Response\Contact\ExportContactByIdResponse
      • properties:
        • string jobId - the ID of the job that will perform the export
  • changeContactEmailAddress
    • request data: \Targito\Api\DTO\Request\Contact\ChangeContactEmailAddressRequest
    • properties:
      • string origin - the contact origin
      • string oldEmail - the original email address
      • string newEmail - the new email address
      • bool mergeIfExists - if set to true, and the new email address already exists, all events from both the old contact and the new contact will be merged into one
    • return value:
      • class: \Targito\Api\DTO\Response\Contact\ChangeContactEmailAddressResponse
      • properties:
        • bool success - whether changing the email succeeded or not


The module is accessed by calling transact() on the api object or constructing \Targito\Api\Endpoint\TargitoTransactEndpoint manually.


  • sendEmail
    • request data: \Targito\Api\DTO\Request\Transact\SendEmailRequest
    • properties:
      • string origin - the website origin
      • string email - the recipient email
      • string mailingId - the mailing ID from Targito
      • string fromName (optional) - the name of the sender
      • string fromEmail (optional) - the email address of the sender
      • string replyTo (optional) - the email address that will be used as Reply-To in the mailing
      • DateTime sendDateTime (optional) - the date and time the mailing will be sent
      • array columns (optional) - a hash map of variableName => value pairs
      • array attachments - (optional) either an array of arrays or array of instances of the \Targito\Api\DTO\Transact\Attachment class
        • Attachment class constructor parameters:
          • string name - the name of the file
          • string mediaType - the media type of the file (also known as MIME type)
          • StreamInterface|stream|string - the content of the file either as a string (the raw content of the file), or a php stream (e.g. file opened using fopen()), or an instance of StreamInterface (if your app uses a PSR-7 implementation of streams)
        • If you supply the attachment as an array, the structure is as follows:
          • string name - the name of the file
          • string type - the media type of the file
          • string data - base64 encoded content of the file
    • return value:
      • class: \Targito\Api\DTO\Response\Transact\SendEmailResponse
      • properties:
        • bool success - whether the operation succeeded
  • sendMassEmail
    • request data: \Targito\Api\DTO\Request\Transact\SendMassEmailRequest
    • properties:
      • string origin - the website origin
      • array recipients - can be either an array of arrays or array of instances of the \Targito\Api\DTO\Transact\Recipient class
        • Recipient properties:
          • string email - the recipient's email address
          • array columns (optional) - a hash map of variableName => value pairs
      • string mailingId - the mailing ID from Targito
      • string fromName (optional) - the name of the sender
      • string fromEmail (optional) - the email address of the sender
      • string replyTo (optional) - the email address that will be used as Reply-To in the mailing
      • DateTime sendDateTime (optional) - the date and time the mailing will be sent
    • return value:
      • class: \Targito\Api\DTO\Response\Transact\SendMassEmailResponse
      • properties:
        • bool success - whether the operation succeeded


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