TODO: Edit this intro
I added these quick setup instructions just incase some of you aren't super familiar with Git/GitHub or you run into any problems along the way.
I would first create a folder to hold your Eclipse workspace (I called mine "Adoptation Workspace"), then inside that folder create another one called Adoptation. Either using Terminal or Git Bash, go inside both those folders and run:
git init
and then:
git remote add origin
and also:
git pull origin master
You might have to enter your GitHub username/password somewhere inbetween those steps, depending on your setup. Once that's all done, you should have everything you need to import the project to Eclipse.
Fire up Eclipse, and when the workspace selector pops up, navigate to that first folder you created earlier (the one I called Adoptation Workspace). Click launch.
Then all you have to do is import the project. Just go to File -> Import -> General -> Existing project into Workspace. Where it asks for the destination, just browse to that second folder (the one I called Adoptation) and click okay. The whole project should then be shown on the left, and you won't have to do any of this shit again.
While I personally like having people make their own branches, it can get complicated and this is a pretty small project so we'll all just yolo push to the master branch. Just make sure you're only making commits after you've done significant work (i.e. adding a single if statement probably doesn't beg a new commit), and the commit messages are meaningful so if we have to revert back for some reason, it's easy to do so.
In case you forget how to properly create and push a commit, first stage all your changes:
git add *
then commit them:
and finally push them:
git push origin master
Alright hopefully this helps and lemme know if you have any problems.
- Owen