NightOwl is a clone of Tumblr to support true crime and horror junkies. It will allow users to view different content that relates to the true-crime and horror as well as interact with different users.
Check it out here
- Heroku
- React / Redux
- Express Server
- Sequelize
A page where the user will input their information to be registered into our database.
A function integrated into our homepage that will allow the user to login before they can view any content on the site.
Logged in users to the site will be able to view all content that relates to any true crime/ horror stories made by other users.
A registered user will be able to gain more functionality to the site.
The user can create their own posts with various content-types (text, video, and images), reblog other user content to their profile, "like" posts they see, and view their "Likes" and "Posts" list.
The logged in user will have an opportunity to create their own posts. The types of posts they can make will be: text, audio(with embeded source), video (with embedded source), and a photo.
The user will be able to delete their own posts.
The user will be able to edit their own posts. (Coming soon!)
The user will be able to re-post other people's content. (Coming soon!)
User will be able to add a post to their "Likes" list.
Provide the user the ability to view their custom routes and places they have visited
- User will have access to see all the posts they have created as a nav bar on their own "Menu" page.
- There will be a link for the user to see all the posts they have liked in their "Menu" page.