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🧪 Solr AWS observability & autoscaling experiments

This repo holds a playground for Solr Cloud observability & autoscaling experiments with AWS and Terraform. It's idea is to quickly spin up a Zookeeper/Solr ensemble and evaluate SolrCloud autoscaling triggers in conjunction with AWS autoscaling group events.

The Solr Autoscaling Framework is very complicated and seems pretty overengineered. That's why I use this playground to test Solr Autoscaling policies.

🚨 The autoscaling framework in its current form is deprecated and will be removed in Solr 9.0.

Project goal

Use this project as a blueprint to:

  • scale Solr autoscaling groups at speed (~90s up and running)
  • utilize Cloud-Init and SystemD to properly launch and terminate Solr instances.
  • See Prometheus metrics and alarms in action
  • See Jaeger distributed tracing in action
  • Experiment with Solr autoscaling settings


Before you start, provide your AWS access and secret key to Terraform either static in a file or in environment variables.

cat << EOF >
aws_access_key = "YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY"
aws_secret_key = "YOUR_AWS_SECRET_KEY"
aws_region     = "eu-west-1"

Up and running

💰 You are about to create resources in AWS that actually cost money. Just be aware of that when scaling your cluster beyond infinity ...

# create VPC and basic security groups
cd tf-workspaces/vpc && tf init && tf apply

# create monitoring instances
cd ../monitoring && tf init && tf apply

# create Zookeeper and Solr cluster
cd ../solr && tf init && tf apply

# retreive Solr urls
cd ../aws-solr-instances && tf init && tf apply -auto-approve && cd ../..

# create film sample collection



Tear down

cd terraform-workspaces/aws-solr-instances && tf destroy -auto-approve
cd ../aws-solr && tf destroy -auto-approve
cd ../aws-vpc && tf destroy -auto-approve

Local experimenting

$ curl -sfLo jaeger-core.jar
$ curl -sfLo jaeger-thrift.jar
$ curl -sfLo libthrift.jar
$ curl -sfLo solr-jaegertracer-configurator.jar
$ curl "http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/collections?action=CLUSTERPROP&name=samplePercentage&val=100"
$ ./src/main/solr/scripts/