This is a To-Do list app to help users stay organized with tasks they need to get done. Users can signup by creating a username and password with authentication using JWTs. The user can create a to-do item, set its priority level, edit an item to update it with changes, mark an item as completed and delete items if they want to.
This is a Full-Stack MERN app using a RESTful API for interaction with the MongoDB database. React was used on the front-end along with the Chakra UI React library. MongoDB is used for the database along with Mongoose, Express and Node.js on the back-end to create a RESTful API that the front-end interacts with. React Context is used for state management of the app including the current user's info, their to-do items and the current to-do item when selecting a single item to edit.
Please visit my GitHub profile to check out this and other projects I've created and contributed to. Contact me at with any questions or if you'd like to collaborate.