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V-ALIGN : Sequence Alignment on Directed Graphs

  • System Requirements: g++ compiler, graphviz tool ( support (if you want to visualize the alignment output)

  • edna.mat is from


./valign -g test/tiny.adj -x test/simple.ip -v test/tiny.fvs -o tiny.out -dot mydots

tiny.adj : graph file

simple.ip : query sequences

tiny.fvs : feedback vertex set

tiny.out : output file to store alignment

mydots : folder where all the dot files (one for each query sequence) will be stored. These can then be visualised. The folder would contain which when run creates the corresponding .pdf files for alignment visualization.

  • V-ALIGN tool requires the feedback vertex set (FVS) to be input as a separate file consisting of a new line separated list of feedback vertices. [ For instance, the MFVS implementation from the MFVS project ( could be used to create FVS.]

For convenience, we have created an external application derived from the MFVS project ( to create FVS. This application is present in the utils folder.

Usage: utils/genfvs <graph_file> [ The graph_file can be adj/gfa/dot format.] This creates an fvs file which can be directly input for the alignment using -v option.

Full workflow: Suppose we have an input file graph.adj and the query sequences in

step 1. utils/genfvs graph.adj

  • this will create an output file graph.adj.fvs

step 2. ./valign -g graph.adj -v graph.adj.fvs -x -o output.txt -dot mydots

  • alignment outputs in output.txt and the .dot files are present in mydots folder.

Detailed usage:

Usage: ./valign [OPTION]... [FILE]... Arguments.

-g filePath             tag g or G represents that the given path is either for a adjacency file or a
-G filePath             gfa file or a dot file.  

-x filePath             tag x or X represents that the path is for a test sequence file.
-X filePath             test sequence file can have newline separated sequences for alignment.

-go realNumber          tag go or GO represents that the given real number is the gap open cost.
-GO realNumber          By default the gap open cost is 10.0

-ge realNumber          tag ge or GE represents that the given real number is the gap extension cost.
-GE realNumber          By default the gap extension cost is 0.5

-global                 tag global or GLOBAL represents that the alignment of the test sequences must be global.
-GLOBAL                 By default it is global alignment

-local                  tag local or LOCAL represents that the alignment of the test sequences must be local.
-LOCAL                  By default it is global alignment

-o filePath             tag o or O represents that the path is for a output file.
-O filePath             By default the output will be stored in a "out.txt" file in the current directory.

-d filePath             tag d or D represents that the path is for a debug file.
-D filePath             By default the output will be stored in a "debug.txt" file in the current directory.

-v filePath             tag v or V represents that the path is for a Feedback Vertex Set file.
-V filepath

-dot directoryPath      tag dot or DOT represents that the path is for a directory to store the generated dot files.
-DOT directoryPath      It will create a folder with a suffix "DotVisuals" in the directory given in the path and 
                     	stores the dot files and shell script in the created directory.

Reference: Sequence Alignment On Directed Graphs

Kavya Vaddadi, Naveen Sivadasan, Kshitij Tayal, Rajgopal Srinivasan


V-ALIGN : Sequence Alignment on Directed Graphs







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