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Command Line Password Manager

Saancho (Key) is a command line password manager that uses gnupg and AES256 symmetric encryption (AES256). All you have to remember is a single passphrase for your saancho store and you are good to go. If you have used LastPass or Keepass, Saancho is similar thing but CLI based, small, simple and does exactly what I needed.

Implementation of Saancho is plain simple. All it does is use a file (defaults to $HOME/.saancho.gpg and overridable via $SAANCHO_FILE environment variable) to store the appropriate data and use grep and gpg (gpg2 is favored over gpg) commands.


  • Fire up your terminal and copy and run the following command:
sudo wget "" -O /usr/bin/saancho && sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/saancho


Assuming you have done a global install of saancho, you can run it as:

$ saancho
Enter the passphrase for your saancho store:

Options available

	c - create new credential
	r - read existing credential
	d - delete credential
	b - backup credentials
	i - delete credential file(re-initialize)
  p - change the passphrase for saancho
	e - exit Saancho

Enter the action you wish to perform:
  • The keystore is saved at $HOME/.saancho.gpg but if you wish to customize that, you can set $SAANCHO_FILE environment variable to whatever path you wish.
  • Saancho can copy password to your clipboard automatically if your search yields single result. This is not enabled by default and can be enabled by setting SAANCHO_CLIPBOARD env-var to true


  • safe storage of password data (make sure to choose good passphrase)
  • create/search/read/delete credentials
  • random password generation
  • copy to clipboard feature for single search results and for randomly generated passwords
  • change the passphrase of the keystore


There's a Dockerfile that you can use to locally test saancho during development.

Build a docker image
docker build -t nepalihackers/saancho .
Run the image
docker run --name s1 -it nepalihackers/saancho saancho
Restart if you exit the container
docker start s1
Execute saancho again
docker exec -it s1 saancho

To Do

  • Implement random password generation
  • Implement backup feature to backup to one of the cloud services (yet to figure out what service)
  • Implement Copy to clipboard option