fCWebMapper is built on top of the Yeomen generator-huddle template. The template utilizes a combination of node.js applications to automate common cross project functions. Getting started is easy with the following steps:
- Make sure the require software is installed
- Clone the github repository
- Pull the required dependances
- Start the application
First, your machine must have at minimum the following installed:
- node.js
- npm
Take the appropreate steps to install these required tools before proceeding.
Clone the repository by typing
$ git clone git@github.gatech.edu:df115/fcwebmapper.git
change directories into the newly created fcwebmapper
$ cd fcwebmapper
pull all of the node.js dependencies by typing
$ npm update
pull all of the web application dependencies by typing
$ bower update
the application can be served either by the http_server or by first compiling to an executable
for http_server
$ http_Server src/
to produce an executable
$ gulp build