This is a simple android app that shows the current phone location info and also sends this info as a SMS to a given mobile numbers.
- Gets location by three methods (Refer to for the code) - 1). Google API -- this is fast and accurate when compared to other two methods - Task task = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(this).getLastLocation(); 2) Use Android API to get GPS location -- this is bit slow as pre my experience. locationManager.requestSingleUpdate(gps_provider, this, null); 3) Use Android API to get Network Provider location. locationManager.requestSingleUpdate(network_provider, this, null);
2). Screen looks like this - . On Clicking the 'Get Location' button, it gets the current location(last updated location) and displays in the respective boxes.
3).You can add the phone number (just numbers without + sign). I added a local mobile number without any country code. If you have added any numbers here, App sends the SMS with google map link along with the location co-ordinate and speed info, every time you click on the 'Get Locaiton' button.