a library that allows sending/receiving encoded packets on client and server side.
See the following classes for example:
- local.ncs.tcp.SimpleTestServer
- local.ncs.tcp.SimpleTestClient
The library is currently developed and tested with JDK/JRE 8 only, but should run on JDK 9+ if appropriate actions are taken.
The library is not intended for use on GWT, and never will be.
- NcsCommons -- shared code between client and server implementations
- NcsClient -- client implementation based on netty nio (portable)
- NcsServer -- server implementation based on netty nio (portable) can be switched to epoll (linux x86_64)
- NcsLib -- additional classes developers might find useful
If you find a bug, please fix it and send patch to https://github.com/terefang/NettyClientServer/issues