Our terribly awesome template generates a Rails 4 app featuring some of our favorite tools for building web apps.
rails new my_app -m https://raw.github.com/terriblelabs/kickoff/master/template.rb
- Devise (optional) with your choice of model name (User, AdminUser, etc.). This template will also create a user with your choice of email and password, and a factory.
- SimpleForm
- Zurb Foundation
- Modernizr
- Haml
- Redcarpet, a markdown parser, because Haml Sucks for Content
- Stamp for formatting dates and times
Development tools:
- Better Errors + binding_of_caller
- byebug debugger for Ruby 2.0
- Foreman
- Letter Opener
- Pry-rails
Testing tools:
- RSpec
- Guard
- FactoryGirl
- ffaker
- shoulda-matchers
And for production:
- NewRelic
- SendGrid
- Airbrake
Copyright (c) 2012 Terrible Labs, Inc.