AngularJS-Foursquare provides easy access to Foursquare APIs. You can use it to build Web Application using Foursquare resources (users, checkins, venues, etc.).
bower install angularjs-foursquare
from your project public directory root :
git clone git:// components/angularjs-foursquare
or :
git submodule add git:// components/angularjs-foursquare
<script type="text/javascript" src="components/angularjs-foursquare/angularjs-foursquare.js"></script>
You need to adjust the path if you install AngularJS-Foursquare somewhere else.
angular.module('MyApp', [thFoursquareService'])
.config(function FoursquareAppRun(thFoursquareProvider) {
clientId: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
clientSecret: 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET',
// uncomment and adjust if you install AngularJS-Foursquare somewhere else.
// thFoursquareProvider.setPath('components/angularjs-foursquare');
YOUR_REGISTERED_REDIRECT_URI should also be a page where the FoursquareService is configured.
Inject thFoursquare Service
function FoursquareCtrl($scope, $timeout, thFoursquare) {
$ =;
<th:fsq-login ng:show="!thFsq.logged" th:fsq-display="touch" th:fsq-color="black"></th:fsq-login>
<li ng:repeat="photo in">
<a th:fsq-photo="photo" rel="lightbox[checkin]" title="{{ photo.user.firstName }}"><img th:fsq-photo="photo" th:fsq-photo-size="cap48"/></a>
This is a work in progress. There is no other documentation than the source code and your browser console yet. Some day it will be there : AngularJS-Foursquare Wiki.
There are bugs (even if they are not listed). But I'd like to get rid of them. If you want to help, you can report one.
The easiest way to get started here is to send me en email at