***NOTE:***This assignment has a dual purpose. 1. To test the Git workflow procedures for completing assignments this semester and 2. To ensure you have Android Studio installed correctly.
- Fork the github-workflow repository into your Github account.
- Install Android Studio for your OS. If you have issues, please post questions on Slack.
- Create a simple "Hello World" Android application.
- Using the Android Virtual Device, create a virtual device.
- Start the virtual device and run the Application.
- Make the project managed under Git.
- Add YOUR repository as a remote for your Android project.
- Pull from the remote to sync.
- Commit and Push your android code.
- Verify files were uploaded to your GitHub account.
Note: Any issues you have with either the GitHub steps or Java questions should be asked publically in Slack. If you have a question, chances are someone else does also. If you see someone has posted a question on Slack and you know the answer, please chime in and answer. This might seem rough at the beginning, but I promise it will get easier.
This will remove you having to enter your username/password for every push.