Team: Carlos Ruiz, Angel Wiehl and Mariana Avalos.
This is a web visualization tool that analyzes the covid-19 cases for Mexico in 2020.
Language: Python 3.8.1
- Type on a terminal the following commands:
$ pip install numpy
$ pip install pandas
$ pip install openpyxl
$ pip install djangorestframework
$ pip install django-import-export
$ pip install django-url-filter
Navigate to the app/ folder, and you will find the Django web application.
Type on a terminal:
$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate
- Start the server on
by typing:
$ python runserver 8080
- Navigate to the following url
and import the excel file with all the data to the Django Admin. You may need to authenticate if it's your first time downloading the repo. If so, do the migrate again and restart the server to access the Django Admin again.
Once the server starts, go to http://localhost:8080/covid_app/
and you will enter the webpage index. From there on, you can choose the visualization you want to see.
- Hospitalized Patients Pre-conditions
- Covid-19 Cases Evolution
- Death Rate