- I was reading a paper recently about Signature Matching: A Key to Reuse
- What if you could discover algorithms via their type signatures?
- Search for algorithms by type signature.
- For example, what algorithms are capable of taking a matrix and returning a number?
(x: List[List[float]]) -> float
- Or which algorithms can reduce two numbers to a single one?
(x: int, y: int) -> int
If you have ideas/usecases/code to improve on this, open an issue!
- basic type parsing
- simple search for type sigs
- use a larger database of algorithms (wiki?)
- web service
- type in a minimal signature in the CLI
python -m sigsearch '(x: Sequence[int]) -> Sequence[int]'
Searching for this signature:
def fn(x: Sequence[int]) -> Sequence[int]:
Index Dist Fn
0 0 <function insertion_sort at 0x7fec2509f8c8>
1 0 <function selection_sort at 0x7fec2509f7b8>
2 0 <function merge_sort at 0x7fec2509f950>
3 0 <function bubble_sort at 0x7fec2509f840>
4 2.0 <function quick_sort at 0x7fec2509f9d8>
5 3.0 <function linear_search at 0x7fec2509fa60>
6 3.0 <function binary_search at 0x7fec2509fae8>
python -m sigsearch '(x: Sequence[int], y: int) -> int'
Searching for this signature:
def fn(x: Sequence[int], y: int)->int:
Index Dist Fn
0 0 <function linear_search at 0x7fab42b37a60>
1 0 <function binary_search at 0x7fab42b37ae8>
2 3.0 <function bubble_sort at 0x7fab42b37840>
3 3.0 <function insertion_sort at 0x7fab42b378c8>
4 3.0 <function merge_sort at 0x7fab42b37950>
5 3.0 <function selection_sort at 0x7fab42b377b8>
6 4.0 <function quick_sort at 0x7fab42b379d8>