1. Names with hyphens are considered invalid module names in dart, so change the snuze-app folder's name to be snuze_app.
2. Delete the snuze_app/ios/Flutter folder. This may be unnecessary - a test is needed.
3. With the snuze_app folder as your pwd run `flutter packages get`, then run `flutter create -i swift .` to recreate missing files inside the current folder.
4. Create a .env.dart file in the lib folder with necessary environment variables.
5. Run `flutter packages pub run build_runner build` to build json serializable models.
6. Run pod install from the ios directory.
7. Run using xcode/android studio. Since we're using native using the xcworkspace file not xcproj because we're using cocoapods.
We use commitizen to format our commit messages. To use commitizen with this repository please use the following steps:
1. Install commitizen globally using `npm i -g commitizen`.
2. Run `npm install` from the root folder.
3. Use `git add` like normal.
4. When committing, use `git cz`.
5. Use the prompts to write your commit message.