The following is a step-by-step process for installing the development indicator collection kit on an Ubuntu machine.
If you're installing the collection kit on a machine with other python applications, you'll likely want to create a "Virtual Environment" to install all dependencies. This keeps the copy of python in /usr clean, and also keeps you from having to run sudo to install every dependency. From a terminal, you'll run the following commands:
sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv cd /path/to/your/virtual/environments/ mkdir virtual_environments cd virtual_environments virtualenv --no-site-packages kit source kit/bin/activate
Second, you'll need the application source itself. Unfortunately, for now, this required a clone directly from github (rather than a download or pip install). Check this README on github for updates to the install process. From a terminal, run:
cd /path/to/your/projects/ git clone git:// cd kit git submodule init git submodule update
Once you've downloaded kit, you'll need to install kit's requirements:
cd kit
pip install -r requirements.pip
Run the usual database initialization steps:
python syncdb
python migrate
And now you should be ready to run the server:
python runserver
When you navigate to http://localhost:8000, you'll be walked through the process of initializing the system to collect data. This involves uploading locations (these aren't GPS coordinates, but rather a tree of locations for aggregating information), users (those reporting information), reports (SMS reports and XForms) and indicators (individual pieces of data to be collected).