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This is the guideline to set up Istio with KeyfactorCA



Create root certificate

Create kubernetes secrets with the root-cert (Istiod need root cert to handshake mTLS with IstioAgents)

kubectl create namespace istio-system
kubectl create secret generic cacerts -n istio-system --from-file=./root-cert.pem

file: ./root-cert.pem is CA pem of KeyfactorCA

OPTION 1: Setup KeyfactorCA Istio with Kubernetes Secret

  1. Create secret example-keyfactor-secret to contains Credentials Keyfactor

Update Keyfactor Credentials within file: ./keyfactor-secret-example.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: keyfactor-secret-example
  namespace: istio-system
type: Opaque
  # Name of certificate authorization
  caName: ""

  # Using for authentication header
  authToken: ""

  # Certificate Template for enroll the new one: Default is Istio
  caTemplate: "Istio"

  # ApiKey from Api Setting
  appKey: ""

Create Kubernetes secret with command:

kubectl apply -f ./keyfactor-secret-example.yaml
  1. Update the Keyfactor configuration at ./keyfactor-with-secret.yaml
kind: IstioOperator
  namespace: istio-system
  name: keyfactor-with-secret
  profile: demo
      hub: thedemodrive
      tag: final-01
      imagePullPolicy: "Always"
        clusterName: FinalBuildCluster
      controlPlaneSecurityEnabled: true
      caProvider: "KeyfactorCA"
      caAddress: ""
      # Configure the external CA Provider by Keyfactor.
        # SecretName name of secret contain Keyfactor Credentials
        # Let empty for using yaml config
        # Each namespace must have one secret (pod only ready secret within namespace)
        secretName: "keyfactor-secret-example"
        # Customize metadata fields to carry with CSR enroll certificates
        # Remove from list if you dont need
        # Only support for: Cluster, Service, PodName, PodNameSpace, PodIP, TrustDomain.
          # Cluster ClusterID or ClusterName of Istio Mesh
          - name: Cluster # Name of field in Istio, do not change it
            alias: Cluster # Name of custom metadata field on Keyfactor Platform to mapping
          # Service name of service
          - name: Service
            alias: Service
          # - name: PodName
          #   alias: PodName
          # - name: PodNamespace
          #   alias: PodNamespace
          # - name: PodIP
          #   alias: PodIP
          # TrustDomain is Kubernetes's domain, default value is cluster.local
          # - name: TrustDomain
          #   alias: TrustDomain
  1. Install with Istioctl

    istioctl manifest --set installPackagePath=installs apply -f ./keyfactor-with-secret.yaml

OPTION 2: Setup KeyfactorCA Istio with YAML Config

  1. Update the Keyfactor configuration at ./keyfactor-config.yaml
kind: IstioOperator
  namespace: istio-system
  name: keyfactor-yaml-config
  profile: demo
      hub: thedemodrive
      tag: final-01
      imagePullPolicy: "Always"
        clusterName: FinalBuildCluster
      controlPlaneSecurityEnabled: true
      caProvider: "KeyfactorCA"
      caAddress: ""
      # Configure the external CA Provider by Keyfactor.
        # SecretName name of secret contain Keyfactor Credentials
        # Let empty for using yaml config
        # Each namespace must have one secret (pod only ready secret within namespace)
        secretName: ""
        # Name of certificate authorization
        caName: ""
        # Using for authentication header
        authToken: ""
        # ApiKey from Api Setting
        appKey: ""
        # Name of Keyfactor template
        caTemplate: "Istio"
        # Custom metadata fields attached to CSR request CSR enroll certificates
        # Remove from list if you dont need
        # Only support for: Cluster, Service, PodName, PodNameSpace, PodIP, TrustDomain.
          - name: Cluster # Do not modified it
            alias: Cluster # Name of custom metadata field on Keyfactor Platform
          - name: Service
            alias: Service
          # - name: PodName
          #   alias: PodName
          # - name: PodNamespace
          #   alias: PodNamespace
          # - name: PodIP
          #   alias: PodIP
          # - name: TrustDomain
          #   alias: TrustDomain
  1. Install with Istioctl

    istioctl manifest --set installPackagePath=installs apply -f ./keyfactor-config.yaml

Setup example Microservices

Deploy Book-Info microservice example of Istio (references) Book Info Sample

  • Turn on Istio auto-inject for namespace default

    kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
  • Deploy an example of istio (Book-Info)

    kubectl apply -f ./samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo.yaml
  • Configure a gateway for the Book-Info sample

    kubectl apply -f ./samples/bookinfo/networking/bookinfo-gateway.yaml
  • Configure mTLS destination rules

    kubectl apply -f ./samples/bookinfo/networking/destination-rule-all-mtls.yaml
  • Lock down mutual TLS for the entire mesh

    kubectl apply -f ./samples/peer-authentication.yaml


Lock down mutual TLS for the entire mesh

kubectl apply -f ./samples/peer-authentication.yaml

Create the namespace "insidemesh" and deploy a sleep container with sidecars

kubectl create ns insidemesh
kubectl label namespace insidemesh istio-injection=enabled
kubectl apply -f ./samples/sleep/sleep.yaml -n insidemesh

Verify the setup by sending an http request (using curl command) from sleep pod (namespace: insidemesh) to productpage.default:9080:

  1. To check if the certificate get from productpage.default is issued by KeyfactorCA
kubectl exec $(kubectl get pod -l app=sleep -n insidemesh -o jsonpath={}) -c sleep -n insidemesh -- openssl s_client -showcerts -connect productpage.default:9080
  1. Request using curl
kubectl exec $(kubectl get pod -l app=sleep -n insidemesh -o jsonpath={}) -c sleep -n insidemesh -- curl http://productpage.default:9080 -s -o /dev/null -w "sleep.insidemesh to http://productpage.default:9080: -> HTTP_STATUS: %{http_code}\n"

Note: every workload deployed with sidecar can access Book Info services (HTTP_STATUS = 200)

Create another namespace "outsidemesh" and deploy a sleep container without a sidecar

kubectl create ns outsidemesh
kubectl apply -f samples/sleep/sleep.yaml -n outsidemesh

Verify the setup by sending an http request (using curl command) from sleep pod (namespace: outsidemesh) to productpage.default:9080:

kubectl exec $(kubectl get pod -l app=sleep -n outsidemesh -o jsonpath={}) -c sleep -n outsidemesh -- curl http://productpage.default:9080 -s -o /dev/null -w "sleep.outsidemesh to http://productpage.default:9080: -> HTTP_STATUS: %{http_code}\n"

Note: every workload deployed without sidecar cannot access Book Info services (HTTP_STATUS = 000)