This repository contains the toy-compiler created as part of requirements for the course CS F363: Compiler Construction at BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus in Spring 2023 under Dr. Vandana Agarwal. Our team (Group 2) scored the highest among all groups which were part of the course.
See marks distribution for our team here
Click here for language specifications.
- The language
is a strongly typed language with primitive data types as integer and floating point. - It also supports two other data types: boolean and arrays.
- The language supports arithmetic and boolean expressions.
- The language supports assignment statements, input/output statements, declarative, conditional, iterative, and function call statements.
- The language supports the modular implementation of the functionalities.
- Functions can return multiple values. The function may or may not return a value as well.
- The scope of the variables is static and the variable is visible only in the block where it is declared.
- Ensure you have
, version 5.0 or greater, installed.
version can be checked viagcc --version
command on terminal.
- Ensure you have
, version 2.14.02 or greater, installed
version can be checked vianasm --version
command on terminal. You can installnasm
viasudo apt install nasm
has been provided with the code along with some sample test cases.
Run the following commands.
$ make
// The output to this should be
gcc -c -g driver.c
gcc -c -g parser.c
gcc -c -g lexer.c
gcc -c -g trie.c
gcc -c -g stackADT.c
gcc -c -g Set.c
gcc -c -g ast.c
gcc -c -g symbolTable.c
gcc -c -g intermedCodeGen.c
gcc -c -g codegen.c
gcc -Wall driver.o parser.o trie.o lexer.o Set.o stackADT.o ast.o symbolTable.o intermedCodeGen.o codegen.o -g -o compiler
Once all the files have been compiled correctly, run
$ ./compiler <testcase.txt> <outputFile.asm>
To run the .asm
file, use this command
$ nasm -f elf64 <outputFile.asm> -o code.o && gcc -no-pie code.o -o code
$ ./code
<<<driver program>>>
declare x, y, z:integer;
declare a, b, c:integer;
a:= 5;
b:= 9;
z:= x + y*b +(a-b)*y+ a*2 - b*x;
Input: Enter an integer value
Input: Enter an integer value
Output: 9
S. No. | Name | ID | GitHub Profile |
1 | Dhruv Rawat | 2019B3A70537P | thedhruvrawat |
2 | Chirag Gupta | 2019B3A70555P | Chirag5128 |
3 | Swastik Mantry | 2019B1A71019P | Swastik-Mantry |
4 | Shreyas Sheeranali | 2019B3A70387P | ShreyasSR |
5 | Vaibhav Prabhu | 2019B3A70593P | prabhuvaibhav |
All the code and files provided on this repository are strictly for educational purposes with no intention of promoting unfair means in any evaluative component.