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Next-gen CLI tool for ForemanOpenscap

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Development setup

With this guide, you'll be able to set up hammer_cli_foreman_openscap with hammer-cli-foreman for development.

###Requirements for this setup

These are the requirements for this setup. Note that some may not be needed at all depending on your setup.

  • git
  • ruby
  • rvm
  • foreman


First, cd into the directory where your projects will live. Then clone everything.

git clone
git clone

Before we bundle, we need to setup our local Gemfile. Edit Gemfile.local.rb in your hammer_cli_foreman_openscap directory to point to the local projects instead of using the gems. Enter the following:

gem 'hammer_cli_foreman', :path => '../hammer-cli-foreman'

Now, let's create the directories we need for configuration.

mkdir -p ~/.hammer/cli.modules.d

Edit ~/.hammer/cli_config.yml and enter any hammer-cli config values you want.

Next edit ~/.hammer/cli.modules.d/foreman.yml and enter the following:

  :enable_module: true
  :host: ''
  :username: 'admin'
  :password: 'changeme'

Edit ~/.hammer/cli.modules.d/foreman_opesncap.yml and enter in the following:

  :enable_module: true

And then finally test out your installation:

bundle exec hammer -vh

You should see in the output:

Extension module hammer_cli_foreman_openscap (version) loaded

If you see no errors, you should be good to go.