#Static content
This is our working directory of random static content we've built for the Gazette.
##Installation First you need to make sure a few things are installed on your computer. If you are using a Mac, do the following:
Make sure you have Homebrew installed:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
Install Node via Homebrew:
brew install node
If you are using a Windows machine, download Node here.
Install npm dependencies:
npm install
We use Grunt to create new projects and test projects. So make sure it is installed by running:
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
If you're one Windows machine and are using a PowerShell console, you may want to need add the following here
##Create new project Dependencies for Grunt are put into package.json. If any new dependencies are put in there, you need to install them by running:
npm install
Then to create a new project, run:
grunt new --folder=name_of_folder_here --template=timeline
The "folder" parameter is equal to the name of the new folder you want to create. All new projects get put into the "projects" folder.
The "template" parameter represents the type of content you want to create. We have one option right now:
- timeline
##Delete project To delete a folder out of the projects folder, run:
grunt delete --folder=name_of_folder_here
BE CAREFUL when running this command. To run the task without actually deleting the folder you enter, add the "no-write" option to the Grunt clean command within Gruntfile.js.
More inforomation can be found here.
##Deploy to FTP server When you are done with your content, you can deploy it to our FTP server with one command.
grunt deploy --folder=name_of_project_here
##Push to Github Here's some basic Github commands that you'll need to run to push your projects to Github. First, pull down all changes that have been made to the directory by other people onto your local machine:
git pull
Then see what you have changed on your local machine:
git status
If you have added files, run:
git add .
If you have added and removed files, run:
git add --all
Commit any changes you've made:
git commit -m "message goeshere"
Finally, push all the changes on your local machine to Github:
git push
Before pushing to Github, make sure to add a link to the content in urls.md
##Iframing contents into stories
We at The Gazette use pym.js to iframe the contents into articles and make them responsive. Here's an example of a content embed:
<div class="center">
<h3>Static content headline</h3>
<div id="cr-bike-trails"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">var pymParent = new pym.Parent('cr-bike-trails','http://files.gazlab.com/content-host/d3contents/projects/cr-bike-trails/index.html', {});</script>
<p class="embed-subhead">* Information text on the static content goes here.</p>