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Xsear edited this page May 6, 2023 · 2 revisions

The firefall.ini allows for permanently setting certain options such as different logging levels or special directories.

Below you'll find an INI file with, to our knowledge, all the possible options. The file is located in the root directory of your Firefall installation. If you use Steam that would be Steam\SteamApps\common\Firefall\firefall.ini or the Launcher version would be \Red 5 Studios\Firefall\firefall.ini. Some options may only work for specific clients, while attempts to note those instances have been made there is a possibility that some have not been clarified due to being unknown or forgotten.

The client does make a best effort attempt to convert various datatypes into the proper ones such as strings to booleans when required. However, options that are set in the configuration file that have client bindings but contain malformed values that the client cannot resolve may result in unexpected client behavior. Please exercise caution when adding, removing, or modifying any configuration sections or options.

Be aware: Setting certain paths can delete unwanted file at deinstallation of Firefall!

; NOTE: Edit Fury.wedge.ini to change the ini file that goes down with the wedge
; NOTE: Edit Fury.deploy.ini to change the ini file that goes out with public builds
; NOTE: Add [Section] key = value stuff here.
;       For a list of ini file keys, see knowledge base or forums.

LocalizedAssets = false ; (boolean)
Logging = false ; (boolean)

ProjectId = 1 ; (int) rain_project_prj, 1=Firefall, 2=Forge
MilestoneId = 116 ; (int) rain_milestone_ms, 116 = PAX PRIME 2011 (M2), 117 = SEPTEMBER 2011

OperatorHost = "" ; (string)
PreCacheAssets = true ; (boolean) Can be overridden by the --precache or --noprecache command line options
RegistryBase = "Firefall" ; (string)
Language = "en" ; (string) This is an older version of the new ForceLanguage option
InitNumWindows = 1 ; (int) Can be overridden by the --initVideoMode command line option
ForceLanguage = "en" ; (string) Can be: en, ko, de, fr, zh, ru
SiloPoolId = 0 ; (long)
UsesLauncher = "" ; (string) This option works by requiring the value set on it to exist in the launch arguments of the client. This should only exist if setting to a non-null value.

; Log levels are:  "nothing", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "notice", "trace"
; Note: Build 1189 may only have access to levels "debug", "info", "warn", and "error". TRACE, NOTCE, and NONE are all other potential working values unsure though.
; Log Level Priority Order (Most to Least Verbose): Trace > Debug > Info > Notice > Warn > Error > Nothing
LogLevel-Abilities = "nothing"
LogLevel-AI = "nothing"
LogLevel-Aptitude = "nothing"
LogLevel-Anim = "nothing"
LogLevel-Animate = "nothing"
LogLevel-AsyncIO = "nothing"
LogLevel-Chat = "nothing"
LogLevel-Engine = "nothing"
LogLevel-Entropy = "nothing"
LogLevel-Firefall = "nothing"
LogLevel-Fury = "nothing"
LogLevel-FX = "nothing"
LogLevel-FXLib = "nothing"
LogLevel-GLOOX = "nothing"
LogLevel-GUI = "nothing"
LogLevel-GUILib = "nothing"
LogLevel-Game = "nothing"
LogLevel-Havok = "nothing"
LogLevel-Input = "nothing"
LogLevel-InputLib = "nothing"
LogLevel-IOLib = "nothing"
LogLevel-IOSys = "nothing"
LogLevel-Jingle = "nothing"
LogLevel-JScript = "nothing"
LogLevel-Kinematics = "nothing"
LogLevel-Matrix = "nothing"
LogLevel-NetHTTP = "nothing"
LogLevel-NetLib = "nothing"
LogLevel-Network = "nothing"
LogLevel-Offset = "nothing"
LogLevel-Physics = "nothing"
LogLevel-Renderer = "nothing"
LogLevel-SDB = "nothing"
LogLevel-Scream = "nothing"
LogLevel-Script = "nothing"
LogLevel-StaticDB = "nothing"
LogLevel-Soul = "nothing"
LogLevel-Sound = "nothing"
LogLevel-Tools = "nothing"
LogLevel-ToolShared = "nothing"
LogLevel-ToolShr = "nothing"
LogLevel-TSAnim = "nothing"
LogLevel-VCS = "nothing"
LogLevel-VOIP = "nothing"

FirefallCommands = true ; (boolean)
FirefallEvents = true ; (boolean)
firefall.ini = true ; (boolean)
GssMessages = true ; (boolean)
MatrixMessages = true ; (boolean)

DefaultRestrictions = 1 ; (boolean)

EnableDevMode = true ; (boolean)
showConsole = true ; (boolean)
chatDebugLog = true ; (boolean) If true, overrides the log level for Chat and Jingle and sets them to "debug"
enableProfilerSys = true ; (boolean)
InstallDir = "" ; (string) Load zones and assets from this base path (in VS mode only)
DevMatrix = "" ; (string) Unsure of the formatting but may be an older version of MatrixOverride perhaps.
MatrixOverride = "host:port" ; (string)
noAnimation = true ; (boolean)
noParticles = true ; (boolean)
noSound = true ; (boolean) also can use --nosound as a launch parameter
noTextures = true ; (boolean)
noUi = true ; (boolean)
ConsoleMacro = "" ; Press F12 to execute in console

maxFPSLimit = 143 ; (int) Set to 0 to disable
mainThreadCore = 0 ; (int) Determines how the kernel should be carried out main stream, -1 for a random kernel 0 for the first, 1 for the second, and so on.
mainThreadPriority = 1 ; (int) The priority of the main thread of execution, a value between -15 (simple) and 15 (critical time) 0 - normal, 1 - higher than normal (the default).
setMainThreadAffinity = "false" ; (boolean) Optimization that closes the main stream on the core indicated in mainThreadCore
setBgThreadAffinity = "true" ; (boolean) Optimization where all background threads run outside the kernel specified in mainThreadCore
cinematicMode = false ; (boolean) Puts all the settings on the uber ultra (useful when mounting clips)
numPhysicsWorkerThreads = -1 ; (int) Controls the number of worker threads for havok physics to use

; Paths for non-preview mode
AssetPath = "system/assetdb" ; (string)
AssetStreamPath = "" ; (string)
DBPath = "system/db" ; (string)
VGLocalPath = "system/vg/static.vgeo" ; (string)
VGRemotePath = "" ; (string)
;VTLocalPath = "\\s-us-netapp-01\VTStream\%ENVMNEMONIC%\build-%BUILDNUM%\static.vtex"
VTLocalPath = "system/vt/static.vtex" ; (string) This path will stream from the local wedge/install dir
;VTRemotePath = "" ; External play test streaming URL
;VTRemotePath = "\\s-us-netapp-01\VTStream\%ENVMNEMONIC%\build-%BUILDNUM%\static.vtex"
VTRemotePath = "" ; (string)
WorldPath = "system/maps" ; (string)
;writePath = "localassets" ; (string)
WritePath = "%LocalAppData%/Red 5 Studios/Firefall" ; (string) Directory where Firefall will save all cached data aswell as configuration files
ZonePath = "system/maps" ; (string)

GUIPath = "system/gui" ; (string)

TwitchDllPath = "system/bin" ; (string)

LocalWebPath = "" ; (string) Unsure what this does and unsure default value

Disabled = false ; (boolean) Use this to suppress loading preview assets on the client
PreviewBasePath = "\\s-us-netapp-01\ToolsData\Environments\main" ; (string)
ForceZonePreview = "" ; (string)
ForceAssetPreview = "" ; (string)
ForceDataPreview = "" ; (string)
SearchLocalFirst = "" ; (string) Can override with the --searchlocalfirst command line option

BuildNum = 1962 ; (long)

PlayIntroMovie = false ; (boolean) Enables or disables the intro movie

Enabled = false ; (boolean) Enables or disables the initialization of Voice-over-IP
PortRange = "19295-19301" ; (string)

UseCPUSkinning = true ; (boolean) See

ChineseEnabled = true ; Enable the zh locale
RussianEnabled = true ; Enable the ru locale

MaxTimes = 0 ; (int) Set to at least 1 to enable
Account = ""; (string)
SavedPassword = true ; (boolean)
CharacterName = "" ; (string)
DevMatrixAddress = "" ; (string) This override seems to apply to the oracle ticket request body
SpectatorMode = false ; (boolean)
SpectatorDirectorControl = false ; (boolean)
SpectatorTargetGuid = 0 ; (long)
RandomReplay = false ; (boolean) Unsure how this one works
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